Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 12th, 2020 to October 18th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hacker for a project at 5600 NE 42nd Ave, a part of the redevelopment of the PCC Metro Center:
4-story, approximately 94,000 sq ft of mixed-use building with 92 dwelling units and ground floor commercial space.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss a revised concept for 550 SE MLK:
The proposed development is for a 7-story building occupying a site at SE MLK Blvd. and Stark Street – the site is slightly smaller than a half-block, at 17,900 square-feet. The proposed building is planned as a “5-over-2” structure, with 5 levels of Type III wood construction, over 2 levels of Type I concrete construction. The building will remain within the code-allowed height limits of the most restrictive construction type (85 feet), with the highest occupiable floor at a height of less than 75 feet from the lowest point on site (not a high-rise). The building uses include an at-grade parking garage, along with commercial retail spaces, residential amenities and a lobby at the ground floor and residential dwelling units of varying sizes at levels 2 – 7. Parking for the development will be accommodated at grade within the building shell, with multi-level, automated parking stackers and surface parking stalls. Outside of the parking stacker pit structures, no basement level is planned for this project. Two Standard B loading stalls are also accommodated within the garage structure. The garage will be accessible through a 20-foot wide gate located on SE Washington Street, approximately 55 feet east of the SE MLK Blvd. intersection.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Works Progress Architecture to discuss a project at 1838 N Argyle St:
Lot consolidation and development of an 8-story multi-family housing building with ground floor units, retail, structured parking. Level 2 amenity.
A building permit is under review for the Floor & Decor at 11919 N Jantzen Dr:
PDOX PS – new 1-story building for flooring retailer with associated sitework w/20-203128-mt
A building permit was issued for a project at 210 SE Madison St:
Shell only -partial change of occupancy; no occupancy this permit. Renovation of basement, main floor, second. Relocate egress stairs, reconfigure building interior, new roof, storefront & windows, infill existing openings at exterior walls. Replace exit stair in R.O.W. See 19-267995-MT.
A building permit was issued for the NW Natural Response / Service Center at 2600 SE 9th Ave:
New Response/Service Center Facility for NW Natural consisting of a fire-sprinklered 3-story office building and attached 2-story storage building, with detached trash enclosure under separate permit. Includes reconfiguration of parking and associated site work *** DFS for pre-fabricated metal building *** w/19-186013-MT *** Site demoliton work added 12/9/19, see Comments ***
NW NATURAL PHASE 1B – Infill of pits on south portion of site for new parking lot, driveway, landscaping, and stormwater facilities