Design Advice has been offered for the Portland Housing Bureau‘s affordable housing development at 3000 SE Powell Blvd. The five story building will include 180 units, with a mix of studios, 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom apartments. 22 vehicular parking spaces are proposed.
A building permit was issued for a 39-unit building at 5470 NE 16th Ave.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 22nd to July 28th 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by Sum Design Studio for Great Scott at 701 E Burnside:
Redevelopment of existing warehouse into flex/retail retaining existing brewery operation. New 3 story building, retail with lofts above. New 4 over 2 mixed use residential tower (approx 48 units). New 2 story retail/office at corner of Burnside and 7th.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1005 NE Stafford St:
Self storage
Early Assistance has been requested by EM Architecture for a project at NE 50th & Fremont:
Proposal for a three story slab-on-grade, wood framed 11 unit apartment building including outdoor courtyard with lined storm water planter, waste-recycling room and bike parking.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4144 SW Canby St:
Construction of a 76-unit apartment on the R1 portion of the site, accessed from SW Canby St. Development is proposed to remain outside the environmental overlay zones.
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at 5519 SE Woodstock Blvd:
Two new 3-story, multi-family, residential structures containing 42 apartment units. No parking is proposed. Stormwater will be treated on-site via drywell. Type V-B construction. Ground units to contain one (1) accessible type A unit and 13 accessible type B units.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Alamo Manhattan to discuss The Landing at Macadam:
Project including four separate mixed-use multifamily structures with approximately 1,200 multifamily units, ground floor retail and parking uses. Blocks 41 & 44 (along the river) will be high rises and Blocks 42 & 45 (along Bond) will be mid-rises. The project will also include greenway improvements and infrastructure.
The De La Salle North Catholic High School at 4317 NE Emerson St has been submitted for a Type III Conditional Use Review:
Type III Conditional Use to reduce the size of the existing St. Charles Church Conditonal Use site to add a De La salle North Catholic High school to the site. 4 adjustments (reduce the buffering requirement, Increase the building coverae, Increase the FAR and reduce the amount of overall landscaping)
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for a project at 5470 NE 16th Ave (previously 1616 NE Killingsworth St):
New 4 story mixed use building; retail first floor; 39 residential units on floors 2-4; interior trash enclosure; associated site work; tenant improvement to be applied separately
New 5 story mixed use building with 86 total apartment units; ground floor to include, lobby, parking garage, bike parking, trash room, 7 apartments on south elevation, and retail shell at SE corner. Site work including transformer vault. ***mechanical permit separate***
A building permit was issued for a project at 16061 SE Division St:
New 3 story self storage building with office and accessible bathroom on the main floor with associated site work***demo permits to be applied for separately***
A single-asset Opportunity Zone fund will be used to finance the Eleven West tower and the PAE Living Building. The 24 story Eleven West tower was approved in 2017, but has yet to break ground.
Building permits were issued for the NW 28th & Thurman Townhomes, which will include 8 units in four buildings.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 15th to July 21st 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by MWA Architects for a project at 12529 SE Powell Blvd:
New construction of approximately 160-180 affordable, multi-family apartments ranging in size between one bedroom and three bedroom. Development will include resident community room and support spaces along with site utilities, waste/recycling, auto parking, bike parking and play area.
A project at 3802 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by William Kaven Architecture:
The proposed project is one of four buildings to be developed sequentially on four adjacent but separate lots that extend from the southeast corner of NE Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and NE Failing Street south toward NE Beech Street. Modification to ground floor window and frontage standards for dwelling units. Modification for vertically hung bike rack spacing.
Building permits were issued to Fieldwork Design & Architecture for the NW 28th & Thurman Townhomes:
New 4 story 2 unit apartment building- with landscaping and site utilities
New 4 story 2 unit apartment building with landscaping and site utilities
New 4 story 2 unit apartment building – with landscaping and site utilities
New 4 story 2 unit apartment building with landscaping and site utilities
Building permits were issued for a project with two buildings at 8912 and 8922 N Kellogg St (previously 7433 N Chicago):
New three story 11 unit apartment building with shared cortyard (see 19115675CO)
New 12 unit three story apartment building with shared courtyard (see 19-115696-CO), includes associated sitework
The Design Commission has approved the PAE Living building, a mixed use office and retail building designed to meet the Living Building Challenge. The building is being designed by ZGF Architects, with developer Gerding Edlen acting as the owner’s representative. PAE Engineers will be one of the occupants. The 5-story building will include approximately 4,500 sq ft of ground level retail and office space, with four floors of office above it. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Design Advice has been offered to SERA Architects and Wood Partners for a proposed development at 1634 SW Alder St. The 7 to 8-story building would include 218 residential units and 3,700 sq ft of office / co-working space facing SW Morrison St. 15 vehicular parking spaces are proposed, accessed from SW 17th Ave.
The building will be subject to the city’s inclusionary housing rules, which require the provision of affordable housing or the payment of a fee-in-lieu.
The redevelopment of the former USPS Processing and Distribution Center in the Pearl could include up to 4 million square feet of new commercial, employment, and residential development.
A building permit was issued for the new Kellogg Middle School at SE 69th & Powell.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 8th to July 14th 2019.
Design Advice has been requested for the Benson Polytechnic High School Modernization Project:
Benson Polytechnic High School Modernization Project
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1435 NE 62nd Ave:
New 2-3 story residential building for household living with multiple dwelling units (approximately 5 units). Existing SFR and accessory structure will be demolished.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at SW 37th and Capitol Highway:
Community Design Standards being used for new 5700 sf mixed use building with 6, 2bd, 2ba units and 700 sf of retail/office space. Building to be 2 stories on one half aand 3 on the other Stormwater to be disposed of on site with stormwater planters.
Early Assistance has been requested by LRS Architects for phase II of the NW Natural Response / Service Center at 904 SE Division St:
Phase II. Scope of work is for a new NW Natural Response / Service Center facility not open to visitors. The project site is approximately 4.35 acres. Approximately 2.85 acres are currently being developed under Phase I (North portion of site). Phase 1 is currently under review for building permit. Approximately 1.5 acres are in the planning stages, Phase II (South portion of site). Phase II consists of a single story fleet garage and 1 story community relations storage building. Including on-site work and public street improvements for the NWN facilities, parking lot design and on-site sand filtration system for stormwater management.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1642 NE Sandy Blvd:
Construction of a new 4-story hotel with lobby and commercial space on ground floor. Existing single story building to partially remain and new build will be constructed above and adjacent. Stormwater will be managed on site.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1840 SW Main St:
Consolidate two parcels and construct a new multi-unit residential building preserving existing homes (less than 20 units).
A Pre Application Conference has been scheduled by Osterman Design to discuss a project West of 2247 NW Kearney St:
New construction of a 16-unit apartment building.
A project at 1336 N Watts St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story 14 Unit Apartment Building ***mechanical Permit Separate***
A project at 6829 N Montana Ave has been submitted for building permit review by DEZ Development:
New two-story, 6 unit apartment building including site work, utilities, and trash enclosure (less than 120 sf). No on-site parking. ***mechanical separate***
A building permit was issued for a project at 1825 NE 108th Ave:
Addition to existing building for new tv room, crafts room, library, conference room, and chaplain room; convert unit to dining room; include associated site work. Cesspool decommissioning required.
A building permit was issued for a project at 7122 N Greenwich Ave:
New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with attached 138 s.F. Trash enclosure, includes associated sitework *** mechanical permit to be separate ***
A building permit was issued to Deca, Inc for a project at 116 NE 16th Ave:
New 4 story plus basement, 33 unit apartment building with associated site work and covered parking
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for a project at 5510 N Denver Ave (previously 1935 N Killingsworth St):
New 4 story mixed use building with ground floor tenant spaces and 36 residential units on floors 2-4. No occupancy for ground floor tenant spaces – future TI permits required *** mechanical permit separate ***
A building permit was issued to Wynn Design for a project at 9757 SE Holgate Blvd:
New 12 unit multi-family, 3 story apartment. 6 dwelling units attached with a breezeway to 6 dwelling units, no onsite parking, includes associated sitework *** elec, plum, mech, fs, separate permits. Fa steel guardrails, steel stairs and security deferred submittals***; <120 sq ft detached trash enclosure
A building permit was issued to Oh Planning and Design for the Kellogg Middle School at 3400 SE 69th Ave:
KELLOGG MIDDLE SCHOOL – New 100,000 sf, three story to include community and partner organization spaces with covered play area, play field, parkling lot, bus drop-off and emergency vehicle access road
Design Advice has been offered for the first phase of in the Pepsi Blocks, part of a nearly five acre masterplan which was approved in 2018. Phase IA will include an eight-story, 85’ tall building with approximately 200 residential units (including 80 bedrooms of affordable housing); 16,000 sq ft of retail space; two levels of below-grade parking for over 200 vehicles and 260 bicycles; the restoration of the existing mid-century bow truss Pepsi pavilion building; a publicly accessible plaza; and portions of a woonerf along NE Pacific St. The project is being designed by Mithun for Security Properties.
The Oregonian reported that lawmakers are pumping cash into the James Beard Public Market, at a time that its backers say it will be “dead in a matter of months unless substantial progress is made”.
The Portland Housing Bureau’s development at 3000 SE Powell Blvd went in front of the Design Commission for a second time. The Daily Journal of Commerce reported that Commissioner’s hoped that the project could create a new context along Powell Blvd*.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.