The Historic Landmarks Commission has approved designs for the renovation and expansion of the Blake McFall Company building, commonly known as the Towne Storage building. The project by LRS Architects for Sentinel Development and Westport Capital Partners will adapt the existing building for creative office space, with a restaurant space at the ground floor. As part of the project the unreinforced masonry building will receive a seismic upgrade.
Monthly Archives: March 2016
Metro Reports: OHSU CHH South, 3730 SE Powell, 505 NW 14th and more

The OHSU Center for Health and Healing South
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 8106 N Interstate Ave:
Proposal is for a new five story building with 120 apartment units including 64 group living units with shared kitchens. Proposed 33% parking ratio minus a 25% bike parking reduction will be provided in an undergrd garage.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 505 NW 14th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for a new 150-unit, 12-story, market-rate apartment building with ground floor retail and basement parking. Existing building on site is listed on the Historic Resource Inventory.
Woofter Architecture have applied for the first building permit required for the PSU Viking Pavilion:
partial – demolition of eastern half and selective demolition on western half of the existing building, relocation of existing gas meters, sewer line and hydrants, interior improvements including finishes, plumbing, electical and mechanical duct work to unoccupied weight room
Studio3 Architecture have submitted a project at 3730 SE Powell Blvd for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (30 unit) apartment building with associated site work and detached. Brooker property.
A building permit is under review for a project at N Holman and Interstate:
Construct new 3 story (6) unit apartment building; with associated site work; detached trash enlosure
A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 5350 SE 18th Ave:
Construct 3 story apartment building, 18 units, 6 per floor, attached covered trash enclosure, flow through planter and other associated site work
The first building permits were issued to ZGF Architects for the OHSU Center for Health and Healing South:
Site demolition, excavation, and tower crane foundation and disconnect site irrigation system.
FND 1 : Piles, partial 2 level basement in NW corner (exterior walls only, matt slab @ level B2), tunnel @ level B2 connecting to subgrade parking at block 29 and shoring for all four corners (there is no utility work under this permit.)
Pre-Application Conference scheduled for Hollywood Station (images)
LRS Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss Hollywood Station, a mixed use building with 100 residential units. The building would include a retail space facing onto NE Halsey St. Mechanized parking for 56 cars is proposed.
Weekly Roundup: Knight Cancer Research Building, Zoom+, Overlook Restaurant and more

The OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building by SRG Partnership
The Portland Business Journal reported that Zoom+ will move its headquarters from Hillsboro into the Pearl West office building.
The Willamette Week asked “Has Portland City Hall Learned Its Lesson About Parking Spaces Raising Rents?”, in light of a proposal by the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability to add minimum parking requirement in the Northwest District.
The Oregonian wrote about Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, which “may provide Portland a blueprint“.
After an Early Assistance request for a “proposed 5-story apartment building with underground parking” at 1332 N Skidmore, the Portland Mercury looked into whether the Overlook Restaurant might make way for redevelopment. According to the newspaper the development would include “248 units and 75 underground parking spaces, and [be] ‘anchored by a corner restaurant.'”
Writing in the Business Tribune, architecture journalist Brian Libby revealed that Multnomah County had failed to shortlist Pritzker Prize winning architect Rem Koolhaas for the Multnomah County Courthouse.
The Portland Business Journal published new images of the OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building. The university expects to break ground on the project in mid-June.
The 25,000 sq ft New Seasons University Park opened on Wednesday.
Under Construction: Pearl Block 136 (images)
This is an updated version of a post originally published on October 21st 2015.
Construction has begun on Pearl Block 136, which will be located on the site of the former PNCA Goodman building. The project consists of two buildings separated by a publicly accessible courtyard: a 5 story office building facing NW 13th Ave; and a 15 story residential tower facing NW 12th Ave. Underground parking for both buildings will be accessed from NW 12th Ave, with 211 vehicular parking spaces and 332 long term bicycle parking spaces. The design of the project is by Seattle based architects Mithun, for developer Security Properties.
Design Commission approves Market Hill Commons (images)
The Design Commission has approved the Market Hill Commons, a new residential building in the Goose Hollow neighborhood. The project will include 16 residential units, 16 vehicular parking spaces and 24 long term bicycle parking spaces. The design of the project is by Texas based Urban Foundry Architecture, who are working with Oregon based architect of record Stephen Gerber. The developer of the project is Scotia Western States Housing.
Tower at 14th & Glisan has second Design Advice hearing (images)
Ankrom Moisan Architects have returned in front of the Design Commission with revised designs for a 16 story tower at NW 14th & Glisan in the Pearl District. The developer behind the 174.5’ tall project is Holland Partner Group. The mixed use building will contain 243 residential unit and 6,414 sq ft of ground floor retail. Parking for 207 vehicles is planned in four levels of below grade parking.
Metro Reports: Pearl Block 20, 1510 NE Multnomah, Jefferson 14 and more

Jefferson 14 Apartments
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
ZGF Architects have requested Design Advice for a project at 500 NE Multnomah St:
Replace existing garage with new parking structure at 500 NE Multnomah St.
Soderstrom Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at St Thomas More Catholic School:
Rebuild existing school and parish hall. Provide for more and better on-site parking. In-ground tankage for stormwater.
LEEB Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1440 SW Taylor St:
Pre-application conference to discuss a 6-story, 81-unit, residentail apartment with lobby, trash area, bike storage and parking garage for 30 cars on ground floor.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 909 SE 12th Ave:
Pre-application conference to discuss a 148 unit, 6-story, market-rate apartment building with ground floor retail and basement parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 6125 SE Division St:
New memory care facility building (14,000 sq ft) consisting of 18 private and 5 double units for a total of 28 beds/residents. Building to also include a dining area, courtyard, and support facilities. 42 structured parking spaces with at-grade entry.
Holst Architecture have submitted 1510 NE Multnomah for Design Review:
Type III Design Review and Central City Parking Review for a new multi-building, mixed-use development. The project will include housing and retail uses, underground parking, private streets and pedestrian corridors. The Design Commission has offered guidance in a DAR (EA 15-167229). And, earlier this year the applicant met with staff in an Early Assistance meeting (EA 15-189556).
Bora Architects have submitted Pearl Block 20 for Design Review:
Proposed high-rise condominium building with above-grade parking.
Soderstrom Architects have submitted a Conditional Use Master Plan Amendment for a project at 2145 NW Overton St:
For Conditional Use Master Plan Amendment to Allow Converting the Overton Warehouse to Parking.
Stack Architecture have submitted a project at 714 NE Alberta St for building permit review:
Addition to NW side of the building for new elevator shaft and trash enclosure; full interior remodel of 1st and second floor; remove interior walls and add new walls to create waiting area, exam rooms, offices, restrooms, meeting room, and worstations area; new landscaping and restriping of parking lot
Doug Circosta Architect has submitted a project at 201 SE 146th Ave for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (24 unit) apartment building with associated site work; new play area, sports field area, and parking lot building 1 of 6, building 100
Construct new 2 story (2 unit) apartment building with common area on main floor and laundry roombuilding 2 of 6, building 200
Construct new 3 story (11 unit) apartment building with trash room on main floor3 of 6 building, building 300
Construct new 3 story (24 unit) apartment building; 4 of 6 building, building 400
Construct new 3 story (12 unit) apartment building 5 of 6 building, building 500
Construct new 3 story (19 unit) apartment building with storage area on main floor6 of 6 building, building 600
Valeant Architecture have submitted a project at 2720 SE Steele St for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (7 unit) apartment building; with attached bike storage and trash enclosure; new parking lot
A building permit was issued to TVA Architects for the Jefferson 14 Apartments:
New 6 story apartment building, landscaping and site improvements
A building permit was issued to Works Partnership for the PDX Commons co-housing at 4262 SE Belmont St:
New 4 story 27 unit apartment building with shared amenities, ground level parking and one tenant space, stormwater facility and site improvements.
A building permit was issued to Green Gables Design & Restoration for a project at 1970 NW 18th Ave:
New construction of building to house 3 tenants, 2 story at center; main floor includes tenant spaces, 2 accessible restrooms and common area, 2nd floor is a part of tenant 1, overhead door at tenat 3 space; stormwater planter facility at exterior and pavers
Weekly Roundup: Pearl East, Park Avenue West, Stagecraft Building and more

The Pearl East building at NW 13th and Glisan
Modern furniture retailer Design Within Reach will move into the Pearl’s newly renovated Stagecraft Building, according to the Portland Business Journal.
A new 6 story office building is planned for the corner of NE 13th Ave and Glisan St, reported the Portland Business Journal. The Mackenzie designed Pearl East building will include 67,000 sq ft of office and retail space.
The Oregonian published photos of the completed Park Avenue West tower. The building includes 15 floors of apartments, 13 floors of office space and 2 floors of retail space.
Salt and Straw revealed images of their new soft serve ice cream concept, Wiz Bang, which will open in the Pine Street Market on April 1st.
Under Construction: North Hollow Apartments (images)
This is an updated version of a post originally published on July 8th 2015.
Construction is underway on the North Hollow Apartments in Goose Hollow. The 6 story building by SERA Architects for developers Molasky Group and Trinity 3 Investments will include 121 residential units, one 900 sq ft retail space and 65 vehicular parking spaces. 184 bicycle parking spaces will be provided. The ground floor of the building will be primarily residential units, however these have been designed in such a way that they will be easily convertible to retail spaces should the demand for retail in the area increase. Through a 10 year property tax exemption passed by the City Council in December, 24 of the units will be reserved for households earning no more than 80 percent of Portland’s median family income.