The Design Commission has approved designs for full block, 20 story mixed use tower at 140 SW Columbia St, designed by GBD Architects. The project for Texas-based developer Alamo Manhattan will include 349 residential units, 15,000 sq ft of ground floor retail space within the ground floor. An above grade garage will include 236 vehicular parking spaces. 521 long term bicycle parking spaces are proposed.
Monthly Archives: January 2018
Metro Reports: Block 45, Jasmine Block, Brio Lofts, and more

A building permit is under review for Vibrant Cities’ Brio Lofts, designed by Jackson Architecture
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 25th to December 31st, 2017.
Design Advice has been requested by SRG Partnership for the Jasmine Block development at 401 SW Harrison St:
Current code – New 3/4 block seven to nine story building housing PSU, OHSU, PCC, and the City of Portland. All runoff will be directed to a water quality flow-through planter which will discharge to the public storm-only sewer main.
The Vivian – KEX Portland at 110 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
Historic Landmark – Change the use of the 2nd and 3rd floors of the existing building from apartments to hotel/hostel guest rooms. The ground floor use will be a gastropub. Proposal includes the addition of a new covered, unenclosed outdoor seating and an enclosed bar. The existing stair, new stair, and the elevator will be extended to the rooftop. A green roof will be installed. All new rooftop equipment will be installed away from the west and south street frontages and will be set back from the exterior walls. Exterior work proposed includes (but is not limited to): Masonry work: repoint and clean deteriorated portions. The existing metal cornice will remain. Windows: Installation of new aluminum-clad wood windows at the primary street-facing elevations. Groundfloor storefront cladding: Installation of aluminum profiles and panel trim configuration at the storefront, low wall, and columns to match the historic conditions. Remove the stucco panel cladding currently in front of the transom windows and restore the wood transom frames and sash. Installation of new insulated glass panels in the existing sash to meet current energy code. Ground floor entrances: Installation of new full glass light wood doors and install in aluminum storefront frame to match proposed ground floor storefront (maintaining the existing transoms above the doors where original). Replacement of existing fascia with new to match existing. Changes to entrances. Installation of new metal and glass awnings.
The Brio Lofts at 177 N Failing St have been submitted for building permit review:
New four story, 95 group living rooms in 16 unit building with onsite parking with enclosed trash, ncludes associated sitework **w/17-288659-MT**
A project at 6135 N Minnesota Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Wright Architecture:
Construct new 3 story (18 unit) two-winged apartment building with partial basement and open-air central corridor; attached garbage enclosure and associated site work***dfs roof trusses***separate fire sprinkler & alarm***
A project at 1614 NE 45th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3 story 6 unit apartment building; exterior trash enclosure less than 120 sf; site improvements
A project at 5901 SE Belmont St has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New single story dental clinic and surrounding site improvements; shell only.
A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for Block 45 at 515 NE Holladay St:
New 12″Story mixed use building; 240 apartment units with ground floor retail; basement for bike parking*****17″204636″Mt on separate plans******
A building permit was issued for a project at 2216 SE Lambert St:
Construct new 4 story (5) unit apartment building with tucked under garages; associated site work(all revisions to be reviewed by gail)
Weekly Roundup: New Omni, Portland Boathouse, Overlook apartments, and more

New Omni went in front of the Historic Landmarks Commission in December, where it was met by stiff opposition. Should the project move forward it could be the first Central City development go ahead under the city’s Inclusionary Zoning ordinance.
The Willamette Week wrote about opposition to new high rises, including the Riverplace Redevelopment, Fremont Place, New Omni and original proposal for Grand Belmont—much of which is coming from residents of nearby high rises.
The Oregonian looked at areas where height could be restricted as part of the Central City 2035 plan. Portland Architecture asked if the view corridor debate is civic activism or NIMBYism?
After 43 years, regulars said farewell to the Overlook Restaurant. The diner is being replaced by the Overlook apartments at 1332 N Skidmore St.
The Portland Tribune wrote about plans for the Portland River Center, which would replace the existing boathouse and add an interpretive center with educational and meeting spaces.
The Portland Mercury wrote about how the Oregon Constitution limits opportunities to leverage the $258 million housing bond passed by voters in 2016.
Metro Reports: Mall 205 Renovation, 5 MLK, NE Garfield and Failing, and more

A building permit is under review for the 8 unit NE Garfield and Failing development, by Architecture Building Culture for DEZ Development
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 18th to December 24th, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by Emerick Architects for a project at 716 SE Grand Ave:
Current code – Non-contributing structure – Core and shell alteration of existing three story building with basement. Change of use from Mercantile to Business/Assembly/Storage. New elevator, new enclosed stair and removal of intermediate floor between original first and second stories. No change to impervious surface area.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mackenzie for the Mall 205 Renovation:
Future Code: New buildings and renovation of Mall 205. Some buildings will be demolished at this site. Project would not be submitted until after new zoning code is implemented.
Early Assistance has been requested by CIDA Architects for a project at 1340 N Dekum St:
Current code – Two 15 unit (30 units between both buildings) 5,234 square feet three story apartment buildings on lots 10200 & 10300 with new property line adjustments.
A project at 6304 SE Duke St has been submitted for building permit review by Strongwork Architecture:
New 2-story triplex with associated site work.***DFS roof trusses***separate fire sprinklers***
A project with two buildings at NE Garfield and Failing has been submitted for building permit review by Architecture Building Culture:
Construct new 3 story with basement 4 unit apartment building with associated site work
Construct new 3 story with basement 4 unit apartment building with associated site work
A project at 5340 SE Milwaukie Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Sinan Gumusoglu Architecture:
Construct new 5 story (19) unit apartment building; first level to include parking and 3 apartment units; associated site work
A project at 10561 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review by Brett Schulz Architect:
New construction , 2 story, type vb building with ground floor retail, 1 live work unit on ground floor and 4 residential units on second floor
A project at 1604 E Burnside St has been submitted for building permit review by Woodblock Architecture:
New 5 story, 88 unit hostel with restaurant and coffee shop for hostel on first floor, includes associated sitework *** mt permit to be submitted separately ***
A project at 3908 SE 136th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 2 story residential care facility, associated landscaping, parking, and trash enclosure (under 120sq ft)
A building permit was issued to GBD Architects for a project at 1414 SW Park Ave:
7 stories (5 over 2 construction) consisting of 73 dwelling units. Ground floor contains parking for 12 cars and 38 bikes, leasing office, a residential lobby, builidng services and 3 residential loft units. Floors 2-7 include 70 residential units, amenity room and outdoor terrace on the top floor
A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 1616 SE Insley St:
New 12 unit 3 story apartment building, attached trash enclosure at south elevation, includes associated site work
An excavation and shoring permit was issued to Gerding Edlen Development for 5 MLK:
Excavation and Shoring for new 17 story building
Weekly Roundup: Bob Frasca, George Besaw Apartments and the Broadway Tower

Pine State Biscuits is moving into Northwest, with a lease signed at the George Besaw Apartments
Bob Frasca of ZGF Architects, who “helped define Portland’s skyline“, passed away at the age of 84.
Eater Portland reported that Pine State Biscuits, Life of Pie Pizza and Moberi will be moving into the George Besaw Apartments, currently under construction on the site that was formerly home to Besaw’s Restaurant.
According to the Portland Business Journal Amazon will nearly double its current Portland footprint by taking 85,000 sq ft in the Broadway Tower.
Weekly Roundup: Lloyd East Anchor, 1515 SW Morrison St, Framework, and more

The new theater at the Lloyd Center, designed by LDA Design Group, is set to go in front of the Design Commission later this month.
The Oregonian confirmed that the Lloyd Center Sears will close. The Lloyd East Anchor Remodel project will replace the store with a new 14 screen theater.
The Willamette Week reported that the affordable housing at Framework, the Pearl District cross-laminated timber tower, will come at a high price.
In order to pay down debt the Artists Repertory Theatre plans to sell half of its property at 1515 SW Morrison St to a developer of a 218-foot residential tower with 296 units, writes the Willamette Week.
The Business Tribune reported that The Thornton apartments, previously known as the Tess O’Brien Apartments have been sold to San Diego based commercial real estate investment firm SENTRE.
Metro Reports: 1537 SE Morrison, 1631 SE Reedway, Harbor Sky Lot I, and more
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 11th to December 17th, 2017.
Design Advice has been requested by Mackenzie for a project at 718 NE 12th Ave:
Current Code: Request for DA for multi-story urban self-storage building with ground floor commercial space.
Early Assistance has been requested by Bama Architecture and Design for a project at 1537 SE Morrison St:
Future Code: Project is to evaluate options on this property which include an apartment building, a mixed use building both with or without parking and doing a land division.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5216 SE 17th Ave:
Current Code: Project is to construct a new four story 18 unit apartment complex. Existing structure will be removed.
A project at 1731 SE Insley St has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
New 12 unit 2 story apartment building.
A project at 1631 SE Reedway St has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
New 12 unit 2 story apartment building.
A project at 8334 SE 17th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of three story, 12 unit apartment complex with attached covered trash room and associated site work***w/17-281716-MT***
Harbor Sky Lot 1 at 1231 N Anchor Way has been submitted for building permit review:
5 story on above grade parking , 113 apartments over a podium level containing 101 parking spaces, 2 loading spaces.