A building permit is under review for Alamo Manhattan and Hensley Lamkin Rachel Architects’ South Waterfront Block 40.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 6th to August 12th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1431 N Church St:
New mixed use apartment complex, approx 89,000 GSF with six levels of apartments above one level of retail and building amenity space.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 8911 SE Stark St:
In two phases, demolish existing 1-story warehouse and bakery. Build new 3-story and 2-story buildings (connected) to house not-for-profit community organizations. Landscaped courtyard and side yard w/ porous pavement and stormwater filtration.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mackenzie to discuss the NE 12th & Irving Self Storage facility at 718 NE 12th Ave:
Project is for a multi-story urban self-service storage building with ground floor commercial space.
One of the two buildings at South Waterfront Block 40, located at 3714 SW Macadam Ave, has been submitted for building permit review:
New 245,000 sq. ft./ 7-story/ 232 room apartment building, with 2 levels of parking below building. First floor has commercial spaces and amenities.
A building permit was issued to William Wilson Architects for a project at 1640 NW Irving St:
Addition of 2nd floor penthouse to include offices, breakroom and stairs to first floor. Change of occupancy from S-1 to B to include conference room, project room, offices, work areas and (2) bathrooms and a lobby
A building permit was issued to EPR Design for a project at 1570 N Willis Blvd:
new 3 story, 9 unit apartment building with interior garbage room, includes associated site work