An existing 1981 office building on 52nd Avenue will be converted into 32 new apartment units.
Early Assistance has been requested by Otak for a project at 3733 N Williams Ave:
A mixed-use building including approximately 1,500 sf of retail, community space, exercise room and other ancillary spaces at the ground level and a total of 19 residential dwelling units at levels 2-4
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Project^ for a project at 2300 SW 6th Ave:
Proposal for a 5–story self-service storage development totaling approximately 77,000 SF.
A building permit was issued for the KEX Portland Hostel at 100 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Change of occupancy from M, R-2 to A-2, A-3, R-1 – to create a gastropub and hostel with guest services on 3 levels; basement to include guest services, kitchen, bar area; new rooftop lounge & bar area. Seismic upgrade
A building permit was issued to DiLoreto Architecture for the 52nd Avenue Apartments at 6615 SE 52nd Ave:
Change of occupancy from “B” to R-2”, conversion of office building to 32 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework, new drive and curb cut, and restriping the (E) parking lot. Seismic upgrade
A building permit was issued for a project at 14765 NE Couch St:
Building 2 of new 30 unit multi-familly housing unit complex; this building contains 3 units; 3 story buildings with lower level private garages. Trash enclosure under 120 sq ft. Included associated site work.
But what about the mini-mansard roof on the Apostolic Faith Headquarters (on 52nd)? Isn’t 80s architecture Historic yet?