The Design Commission has approved a 4-story Lexus dealership on NE Sandy Blvd. The project is being designed by The Gravity Company of Dallas, TX and Mackenzie of Portland for Holman Automotive.

The project site is a 1.6 acre parcel at NE 31st and Sandy, which has a roughly triangular shape. A 1967 building and parking structure on the site, most recently used as a facility for Comcast, will be demolished.

The ground floor of the building facing NE Sandy will include a vehicle sales area, offices and a separate cafe. A below grade level will be used for automotive service uses. The second and third levels are dedicated to inventory display, with employee parking provided at the fourth level. The four above grade level are connected by a prominent spiral ramp, which will be visible from I-84.
Building materials proposed include metal panel, curtain wall glazing, metal louver system in natural wood color, stucco, and painted aluminum glazing system.

The new Lexus Dealership was approved by the Design Commission on February 21st, 2019, following Design Advice Request meeting in September and December 2017. In the Final Findings And Decision By The Design Commission it was noted how the project’s use and design help meet the “Plan Area Character” and “Blending into the Neighborhood” guidelines:
Sandy Boulevard was historically shaped by its industry, particularly automotive and manufacturing and is developed with a mix of uses ranging from large warehouses, surface parking lots, and smaller commercial and retail stores. The proposed development responds to these area characteristics by:
• The auto- dealership use is consistent with the historical presence of this industry along this corridor.
• The linear design of the building is modern and compatible with the overall horizontal building expression along Sandy Boulevard. It is also reflective of the streamlined, sleek quality associated with cars. It contributes to the eclectic mix of buildings along this boulevard.
• The 4-story massing of the building is consistent with the higher density development envisioned along Sandy Boulevard, and is consistent with many historical buildings in the vicinity as well as new developments in the neighborhood.
• The tall and highly transparent ground floor for the Sandy frontage helps activate and contribute to a pedestrian oriented street environment.
Building permits for the project are currently under review and will need to be approved before construction can start.
Plan | Site / Service Level Plan | Site / Street Level Plan | Second Level Plan | Third Level Plan | Fourth (Roof) Level Elevation | South (NE Sandy) Elevation | East (NE 31st) Elevation | North Elevation | West Section Sections
“It is also reflective of the streamlined, sleek quality associated with cars”. That’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think? Especially since the majority of motor vehicles sold in America are pickup trucks. But it also makes you wonder if we’ll now get ice cream parlors shaped like a cone, shoe stores shaped like a boot, and dispensaries shaped like a joint!
Really, this whole building is an advertisement. The freeway side especially. Meant to be read at 70 mph. Don’t slow down to admire those cars in the 3rd floor window, or get vertigo from the giant spiral ramp.
Read learning from Las Vegas by Robert Venturi if you want to further investigate your premise. Yes I would like a building serving ice cream to be shaped like an ice cream cone. What is wrong with that?
I’m just not sure Sandy blvd needs to celebrate it’s historic association with car dealerships.
I don’t love that car dealerships are still being built in the city. But if it’s going to be a dealership no matter what, might as well be a nicely designed dealership, which this is.
I guess
It looks like an Industrial Designer’s lurid fantasy, but on the plus side, it won’t be surrounded by a bleak parking lot full of shiny metal, plastic and helium balloons.
It’s a nice buffer to the freeway. Anything you can do to wall off the freeway structures like this actually benefit the area.
Wow what a beautiful design. Modern and sleek. What a great addition to an eyesore of an area
car dealership are eyesores.
I agree. This design is amazing. Modern, sleek and sophisticated – Lexus will sale well.
Design is fine, but no landscape, no trees along Sandy?
I agree. They could use some Japanese inspired landscaping to improve the over aesthetic of this project.
Is this project still in the works? Haven’t seen any visible progress?