The Design Commission has approved the 100 Multnomah office building, designed by ZGF Architects for Prosper Portland. The project is an addition to the nearly complete parking garage, built to serve the Hyatt Regency at the Oregon Convention Center. The 9-story addition will include approximately 120,000 sq ft of office space on the northern of the site. While the structure of the garage was designed to accommodate up to 2 additional level of parking, no additional parking spaces are proposed beyond those already built.

The site, seen below during construction of the parking garage in 2018, is the full block bound by NE Multnomah St, NE 2nd Ave, NE Holladay St, and NE 1st Ave. The site was previously vacant.

The office will be accessed from a double height lobby at the corner of NE 2nd Ave and Multnomah St. Levels 2 to 4 will be relatively shallow office space, built in front of the parking structure. Levels 5 to 9 will sit above the parking structure and have much deeper floor plates.

The addition will be clad in angled metal panels, designed to complement the metal “sails” on the existing garage. An ecoroof will cover most of the roof of the office tower. Photovoltaic panels are proposed above the parking structure and the office mechanical penthouse.

Levels 6 to 9 will have south facing balconies. A larger covered balcony is proposed at level 9.

The 100 Multnomah office building was approved by the Design Commission at its second hearing, held on August 8th, 2019. In the conclusion to the Final Findings and Decision by the Design Commission it was noted how the office addition will complete the ensemble of buildings north of the Convention Center:
As now finally designed as a completed ensemble to the Oregon Convention Center Hotel and Parking Garage, the 100 NE Multnomah Office Building is poised to become the long- envisioned compliment to the Oregon Convention Center and a prominent skyline feature for the City of Portland.
The office building addition is a well detailed architectural tower that integrates with and complements the parking garage in materiality and form. Approvals for the parking garage noted that the parking garage be designed “to be more unified as its own building type rather than using exterior materials and elements that link it to the hotel”. The office tower builds upon the materials palette established by the parking garage, combining light reflecting metal panel with warm tones referencing the tan brick of the Lloyd District.
Building permits will need to be obtained before construction can start on the addition.
Plan | Site Diagram Plan | Lower Level & Level 1 Plan | Interstitial Level Plan | Level 2 Plan | Levels 3-4 Plan | Level 5 Plan | Levels 6-8 Plan | Level 9 Plan | Mechanical Penthouse Plan | Roof Elevation | North (NE Multnomah) Elevation | East (NE 2nd) Elevation | South (NE Holladay) Elevation | West (NE 1st) Sections