Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 19th, 2020 to October 25th, 2020.
A project at 4937 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review by Scott Edwards Architecture:
New 4-story mixed-use building with about 2,000 sq. ft. of ground floor retail space facing Woodstock Blvd. and 84 rental dwellings on all floors consisting of studios, 1-bed, 2-bed and 3-bed units. One enclosed loading space will be provided on site with access from 50th Ave. Enclosed bike parking is accessible from the lobby area and directly from the sidewalk on Woodstock Blvd. A ground floor community room will be provided with direct access to a courtyard patio and active landscaped space. Several private porches will also be provided for the ground floor units. Stormwater to be accommodated with a combination of dry-wells, landscape and an ecoroof. Adjustment requested to reduce the landscape buffer.
Great Scott at 701 E Burnside St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Convergence Architecture:
The Great Scott Trio is a new four story mixed use affordable housing development located where there is currently a parking lot. The legal lot includes a one story existing brewery building that will remain. The project is on the northeast corner of E Burnside and NE 7th Avenue. The Orleans Building, which is on the historic register, is directly to the east and its arcade is highly influential to this project. The building will have 38 apartments, including two accessible units on the ground floor, as well as three retail spaces also on the ground floor along the E Burnside arcade. A small plaza will be located between the new building and the existing building to the north.
Hayu Tilixam at 5825 NE Prescott St has been submitted for building permit review by Carleton Hart Architecture:
New 4-story, 50 unit PHB residential building with community spaces and associated site work. w/20-198018-MT
Cooper 52 at 6865 SE 52nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by YBA Architects:
PDOX PS – construct new 3 story 25 unit apartment building with associated site work w/20-198405-CO (trash enclosure) & 20-200255-MT
A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 2514 NE Flanders St:
New (3) story, (6) unit apartment building, located mid block, includes associated sitework