Naya Generations at 8510 SE Steele St
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2915 SE Division St:
Early Assistance meeting to discuss new apartment building
CIDA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1660 SW Bertha Blvd:
Proposal is for a zone change from R7 to R1 (increase in density) for the purpose of developing a multi-family or mixed-use project.
GBD Architects have submitted a project at 2301 NW Savier St, the former location of Besaw’s, for Design Review:
Proposal is for a mixed use building with 36 apartments and 4500 sf of ground level retail, covered and enclosed residential parking for 24 cars. The project also includes an existing 1200 sf retail structure that will remain at the corner of NW 23rd and Savier.
Building permits are under review for a project at 6330 N Lovely:
Unit 1 of 3 – unit a – three 2 bedroom/1 bath units with kitchen, living room, dining room, and washer/dryer closet. **with b: 15-280053-co & c: 15-280059-co**
Unit 2 of 3 – unit b – three 2 bedroom/1 bath units with kitchen, living room, dining room, and washer/dryer closet. **with a: 15-280046-co & c: 15-280059-co**
Unit 3 of 3 – unit c – five 2 bedroom/1 bath units with kitchen, living room, dining room, and washer/dryer closet. **with a: 15-280046-co & b: 15-280053-co**
A building permit is under review for a project at 4537 NE Fremont St:
New 4 story mixed use building with ground floor retail and 50 residential units on upper floors. Includes onsite parking; fenced in electrical transformer
ZGF Architects have submitted the OHSU Center for Health & Healing South for building permit review:
Partial for site clearing and selective interior demolition of parking structure
Tunnel portal at P1. Tunnel connecting block 28 to block 29 (existing parking structure)
A building permit was issued to Soderstrom Architecture for work at 5350 N Willamette Blvd on the University of Portland campus:
***FND 1 : INCLUDES BASEMENT EXCAVATION, SLAB ON GRADE TO BOTTOM OF 2ND FLR, SMALL BASEMENT, SLAB INSULATION, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING AND RADON SYSTEM*** 104,000 square foot dormitory, type is IIB construction. Four stories above grade(top story in attic) with a basement level beneath 1/3 of the building. Upper 3 stories are light gage steel bearing wall on a post tensioned concrete platform. (147 Dorm Rooms)
A series of buildings permits were issued to Carleton Hart Architecture for the NAYA Generations project at 8510 SE Steele:
New 2-story, wood-framed, multifamily building with 6 unitsDCVA on domestic, DCDA on fire, see permit #15-202356
New 2-story, wood-framed, multifamily building with 11 unitsDCDA required on Fier service, DCVA required on domestic, as noted on 15-202356
New 2-story, wood-framed, multi-family building with 12 unitsDCDA on fire line, DCVA on domestic, notes on permit 15-202356
New 2 story, wood framed, multi-family building with 11 unitsWQBF- DCDA required on fire service, DCVA required on domestic, to be installed per PWB guidelines at www.portlandoregon.gov/water/backflowinstallation
A building permit was issued for a building at 7900 NE Killingsworth St:
50,400 sf office and warehouse. Plans include grading and surcharge for building