Q21 by YBA Architects
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Hennebery Eddy Architects have requested Early Assistance for a renovation of a warehouse at 2215 NW Quimby St:
Improvement to existing building to include TI, seismic upgrades, exterior entry & storefront upgrades and non-conforming site upgrades
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 7116 SE 16th Ave:
Small mixed use building with retail, private parking on grd floor for the owner. Apartments on second and third floors and owner’s residence on top floor.
Merryman Barnes Architects and Encore Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a proposed building at 1400 NW Raleigh:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for a 6-story, 146-unit residential project with a small ground-level retail space, 93 parking spaces and 231 bike parking spaces.
Allusa Architecture have applied for a building permit for a project at 1932 SE Madison St:
Construct new 2 story 4 plex; site work to include new flow thru planter, short term bicycle, new walk ways, new detached trash enclosure 72sf
CIDA Architects have applied for a building permit for a project at 5624 SE 22nd Ave:
Construct new 3 story 15 unit apartment building; 5 units on each fl; with associated site work; detached bike enclosure and trash enclosure
Potestio Studio have applied for a building permit for a project at 8417 SW 24th Ave:
New 4 story 15 unit apartment building
Works Partnership have applied for a building permit for 811 Stark, which was recently approved by the Design Commission:
New 31,500 sf mixed-use building with retail space on the first floor, and an expected mix of creative office uses on the upper floors. Work includes 3-stories of wood glulam post and beam construction over a 1-story concrete podium, with ground floor retail, parking, lobby and building services
A building permit was issued to YBA Architects for the partial demolition of a warehouse, which will incorporated into their Q21 project:
Partial Demo building, removing foundation, keeping some walls of existing structure