Lever Architecture’s Block 45 has been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Courtney + Le Architects for a project at 520 SE 82nd Ave:
Current code – The project entails demolishing the existing 14,243 sf building & constructing a 20,053 sf market. Stormwater disposal will be dispersed to the adjacent landscape planters/bio filters.
Early Assistance has been requested by Allusa Architecture for a project at 1823 NE 2nd Ave:
Current code – Construction of a two story 8 unit apartment building. Stormwater to be diverted to an onsite drywell. Trash and long term bike parking is located along the east portion of the property.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2260 NW Front Ave:
He would like info on both current code and future code.
Please note that this “site” is for the pier which is approx 375′ NE from the parcel this case is “built” on (the parking lot parcel: R540254).Convert existing pier (formally part of “Terminal 1”) into a terminal for river-related activities: floating hotel, watersports, seaplane terminal, spa, park, farmers’ market, and/or other amenities beneficial to adjacent condos and apartment buildings. Parking provided by adjacent parking lot, accessed by greenway trail. They propose to bring in a floating vessel to use for above-proposed activities. (Central City Design District. Central City – River – North Pearl Plan District, Guild’s Lake Industrial Sanctuary).
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Osterman Design to discuss a project West of 2247 NW Kearney St:
Develop multi-family apartments – 18 units planned. Two car garage. Site is a non-contributing structure in Alphabet Historic District.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Myhre Group Architects to discuss an addition to Gateway Baptist Church at 13300 NE San Rafael St:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss an addtion to a church. 2,862 square feet of floor area will be added to the existing 6,814 square foot main church building .The number of parking spaces will be reduced from 171 to 168. The size of the church sanctuary will not be increased and can accomodate 200 people. The fellowhship hall and day care buildings are not expanding.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at NE 133rd & Burnside St:
Current code – Looking to create a Net Zero neighborhood community with 37 to 40 units that will have a mix of detached and attached units. Connected greenspaces will be thoughtfuly provided for children to play and community gardens for neighborly connections. Two plans submitted and plans include the following assumptions water, storm, and sanitary sewer connections.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 2855 SW Patton Rd:
Review is for 2018 code changes. Remove the grocery-only condition and redevelop the site with an economically viable use that is compatible with the neighborhood (CM1 zone).
A building permit is under review for a project at NW 24th & Raleigh:
New 3 story apartment building with below grade parking.
A building permit is under review for Block 45 at 1034 NE Grand Ave:
New 12-story mixed use building; 240 apartment units with ground floor retail; basement for bike parking
A building permit was issued to Deca, Inc for a project at 1714 NE 45th Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with basement (8 units) and associated site work; includes retaining wall; trash room inside