Boundary of the Prometheus Property in South Waterfront is shown in green. Image by GBD Architects, from the Block 41 DAR submission in 2015.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Main Street Development have requested Early Assistance for a project at 5603 SE Milwaukie Ave:
Proposal is to build a five story 28 unit apartment complex.
Koble Creative Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1001 SE Hawthorne Blvd:
Renovations including adding a second story and 8 new double wide shipping container office spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5101 SE 17th Ave:
Approximately 126 market-rate units in 5 stories for a total of 100,000 GSF, 50 under ground parking spaces with 14 above grade for a total of 64. Stormwater will be managed through underground detention and minor drainage swales.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects for a project at 1331 NW 17th Ave:
3/4-block, mixed-use, multi-family, residential building. See Pre-application EA 16-124425 – note that the site has changed, in that they are adding the two SW corner parcels.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 1340 SE 9th Ave:
Existing 1 and 2 story factory use building on 2 blocks to be re-used and upgraded for creative office, factory, and small retail. Undeveloped 1/2 block to the east to have potential 4 story building with parking at ground level.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 2510 NE Sandy Blvd:
Proposal to demo existing building and develop a new 6 story mixed used building. Ground floor commercial with approximately 88 apartments.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects for a project on the Prometheus Property in South Waterfront:
Project Description: Pre-Application Conference to discuss Type III Design Review for proposed phased development of 4 new, 7-story mixed-use building with approx. 3500 square feet of Retail in each, 200- 300 market-rate apartments and 150-250 parking spaces per building with street improvements.
A Design Review has been submitted by Houndstooth Development for a project at 3525 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Proposal is for new construction of a four story apartment building that will have 24 studio apts and four large loft units. The ground floor will have common areas to support the residents of the building.
A project at 2548 SE Ankeny St has been submitted for building permit review by Urban Development Group:
New 5 story 77 unit apartment building with ground level parking
A project at 1205 SE Morrison St has been submitted for building permit review by Scott Edwards Architecture:
Construct new 4 story (39) unit apartment building with parking and bike storage on main level; associated site work