A potential massing for a rebuilt Lincoln High School, as envisioned during the master planning process by Bora Architects.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 19th to February 25th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for the Portland Art Museum Rothko Pavilion:
Request Design Advice for project to construct a three story structure linking the two existing Portland Art Museum buildings. Additional work will be located at south end of complex on Jefferson St. Interior modifications include mechanical, electrical, plumbing and life safety systems.
Design Advice has been requested by BORA Architects for the new Lincoln High School:
Lincoln High School Replacement project. The new school building is proposed to be 8 stories and 138 feet tall and provide 281,000 square feet of educational and support space. Please note Pre-application conference case # 18-108160.
Design Advice has been requested by Allied Works Architecture for the Platform building at 1130 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Request for Design Advice for a new eight story building, 140,000 SF commercial office space with retail use on ground level and two levels of parking below grade
Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for a project at 3204 SW 12th Ave:
No changes to this site/project with comp plan/zone map changes: New 4-story apartment building with 23 units and 14 surface parking lots.
A project at 1001 SE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for Type II Design Review by em architecture:
Proposal is for a tenant improvement that includes an occupancy change from S-2 (wine storage) to B (architecture offices.) New window and egress doors will be added to the new tenant’s space.
A building permit was issued for a project at 450 NE Jessup St (previously 442 NE Jessup St):
Construct new 3-story, 15 unit apartment building with attached trash room on 1st floor