Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 16th, 2021 to August 22nd, 2021.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Access Architecture to discuss a project at 9919 NE Glisan St:
Eight-story multifamily residential development consisting of (105) units total, including a mix of studio, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom units with commercial space on the ground level. Support spaces for residents include ground floor lobby/common area, community room, outdoor roof terrace, indoor bike storage room, and central laundry. Exterior site improvements include full ROW improvements along 99th Street and NE Glisan Street frontages.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Lever Architecture to discuss a project at 900 SE Sandy Blvd:
Construction of a new, 12-story, 250,000 sf mix-use high rise. The program will include split level retail with activated courtyards on the ground level, 1.5 levels of below-grade parking, and 271 dwelling units on levels 2 through 12. The residential levels will offer exterior balconies for each unit, and will also include a variety of amenities such as lounges, workspaces and fitness centers. Stormwater strategy is to be determined.
Con-Way Blocks 261 and 262 at NW 20th & Savier St have been submitted for a Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
The proposal is for blocks 261 and 262 in the Con-Way Master plan area. The proposed development will be market rate apartments on both parcels. Block 261 will be a 5 story building with tuck under parking, and block 262 will be a 6 and 7 story building with basement parking.
A building permit was issued for alterations to the Troy Laundry building at 1025 SE Pine St:
TROY LAUNDRY HISTORIC – STR-01 – Selective demolition and seismic upgrade for remodel of historic landmark Troy Laundry building
A building permit was issued for the Woodstock Apartments at 4981 SE Woodstock Blvd:
New 4-story, 84 unit multi-family housing with ground floor retail and associated site work. w/21-003439-MT
For 900 SE Sandy Blvd: 12 story tower still seems out of place for the location. Nearest other towers are the Weatherly (6 blocks away) and 5 MLK (7 blocks away). I feel that it is going to stick out for a while until a significant number of other developments in the area are completed. They will have pretty neat views from the top though and I won’t be sad to see the existing blank concrete wall building go.
The Building at Burnside and 11th is 6 stories and there are a lot of large 6 story buildings along Burnside, I don’t this will feel too out of place. From the street, there is not a huge difference between 6/7 stories and 12 stories IMO