Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers September 21st, 2020 to September 27th, 2020.
Design Advice has been requested by Bora Architects for The Welby at 1325 NW Kearney St:
Demolition of existing building. New high-rise apartment building with 2 levels of office, ground floor retail and below grade automated parking. Mass timber construction over a concrete podium.
Design Advice has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the Modera Main Street (previously known as MAC Block 7) at SW 19th & Salmon:
This is a request for a Design Advice Request conference for a Type III Design Review for a new 16 story, 340 unit multi-dwelling residential building with 180 structured residential parking spaces, and 225 additional below-grade parking spaces for use by the Multnomah Athletic Club (total = 405 = < 1.2:1 ratio = max. for Goose Hollow). R-2 residential will be the primary occupancy with parking/S-2 moderate hazard storage as the secondary occupancy. The MAC parking will occupy levels B1 and B2, which will be fully below grade and will be accessed via a shared garage entrance and exit with the residential parking accessed on SW Main Street at Level 2; the lowest residential level will share the ground floor (Level 1) with the MAC parking lobby, residential lobby and wrapped MAC parking. Level 2 contains the residential trash and loading spaces, residential units and wrapped MAC and residential parking. The residential parking will ramp up to Level 4 and will be wrapped by residential units and the secondary residential lobby at Level 3/4 (double height); no parking will be visible. At Level 5, the plan will shift to an L-shaped layout of residential units with an outdoor plaza which may also house some of the stormwater facilities. The L-plan runs up to Level 15 and then steps back at Level 16 to allow for a rooftop amenity space above the southeast wing of the building.
Early Assistance has been requested by McGuirl Designs and Architecture for a project at 6525 N Montana Ave:
Demolish existing structure and build new structure, 3 story above grade with basement and 3rd floor mezzanine. Multi-family occupancy with 40 dwelling units, bike storage, common outdoor space. Utilizing community design standards. Stormwater is on-site drywell.
A Pre-Application has been scheduled to discuss a project at 4928 NE 11th Ave:
Comprehensive Plan map amendment and zoning map amendment (CPZC) for 4928 NE 11th Avenue (Site). The Site is adjacent to 1130 NE Alberta, a 27,000-square foot property that the owners are developing as an extended stay boutique hotel (the Alberta Project). The design and entitlements for the Alberta Project pre-date the COVID-19 pandemic, and in light of the changing dynamics and safety concerns (which we expect will cause lasting changes to customer preferences), the owners wish to establish retail space and outdoor areas with a guest house above on the Site. This area will integrate with the Alberta Project and is intended to provide more overall space (including critical outdoor amenities) for the Alberta Project guests and retail patrons to better allow for social distancing. The Site is currently zoned R2.5 and does not allow commercial uses like those desired by the owners. Therefore, the owners wish to explore rezoning the site to a commercial mixed use (CM) zone that would allow these uses, with a corresponding Comprehensive Plan map amendment for consistency.
A Pre-Application has been scheduled by MFA Architecture and Planning to discuss a project at 1706 NW 24th Ave:
New 135 unit apartment building with covered parking. Stormwater will be managed via infiltration planters and drywell systems.
A project at 234 NE 61st Ave has been submitted for a Pre-Permit Plan Check:
New 15 unit apartment, 3-story. Demo the existing house and detached garage.
A project at 3230 SE Milwaukie Ave has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review by Works Progress Architecture:
The proposal is for a new five-story, 129 unit residential development. The ground floor includes a mix of amenity, parking, residential units, and building support spaces. The upper levels are all residential and contain a mix of unit types including studios, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom. Requested Design Adjustments 1. 33.266.130.G.2 (Table 266-5) 5ft of L2 Landscape along driveway and at parking 2. 33.266.130.F.2 (Table 266-4) Vehicle Parking Space Dimensions
The Baldwin Affordable Housing at 7688 N Interstate Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design by SERA Architects:
(1) 4-story low-income apartment building with ground floor permanent supportive service offices, community room, and courtyards. Stormwater: Private – on-site with (3) drywells; Public – Stormwater management not required.