A building permit was issued for the Canopy Hotel in the Pearl by ZGF Architects
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Koble Creative Architecture for a project at 232 NE 97th Ave:
New construction of two new five story apartment buildings.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by LRS Architects to discuss a project at 84 NE Weidler St:
Pre-application conference to discuss a 14-story, mixed use project with 2.5 levels of structured podium parking.
An Adjustment is under review for a project at 1205 SE Morrison St by Scott Edwards Architecture:
Adjustment requests for height (max story limit) and rear lot line setback requirements for the development of a 4-story, 39-unit apartment building.
Holst Architecture have submitted a project at 3403 N Mississippi Ave for Design Review:
New 6-story mixed-use building with 145 apartment units on the EX portion of the site, below grade parking for the residential units and additional tuck-under parking.
A building permit is under review for a project at 8539 SE Alder St:
Construct new 3 story, 3 unit condo building with alley access, includes associated site work and utilities
Urban Development Group have submitted the Burnside Delta for permit review:
New 6 story building with 85 residential units, 14 car parking stalls, 4 motorcycle stalls, 130 bikes and 2 retail spaces
An excavation and shoring permit was issued to GBD Architects for Con-way Blocks 294E and 295E.
Partial permit for excavation and shoring
A building permit was issued to Allusa Architecture for a project at 1920 SE Madison St (formerly 1932 SE Madison):
Construct new 2 story 4 plex; site work to include new flow thru planter, short term bicycle, new walk ways +++NFPA13 fire sprinklers required by separate permit+++
A building permit was issued to Risa Boyer Architecture for a project at 4526 NE 42nd Ave:
Makers Row Apartments – 19 units and one commercial space
A building permit was issued to ZGF Architects for the Canopy by Hilton Hotel:
New 11 story Hotel, 153 rooms, meeting spaces on first and basement levels, fitness room and roof terrace on the 11th floor
A building permit was issued to BAMA Design for a project at 2566 SE 109th Ave (formerly 2558 SE 109th):
New single story 15 bed residential care facility