The Forest Park Entrance and Nature Center by Dangermond Keane Architecture has been submitted for a Type II Environmental Review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 1st to January 7th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 12044 SE Division St:
Current code info: Demolition of existing Burger King (3,929SF) and development of 2 new drive thru pads. Project will include new and reconfigured parking and associated landscaping improvements. New trash enclosure will be constructed to serve the two new restaurants. New square footages of the two new restaurants will be 2,866 SF and 2,265 SF. They will also need to adjust the property line.
Early Assistance has been requested by Merrman Barnes Architects for a project at 6144 SE Foster Rd:
Current code – Conversion of existing commercial tenant space into a 24-hour, mass homeless shelter with sleeping areas for approximately 130 people, restrooms and shower rooms, administrative spaces, a multi-purpose room, common space that doubles as a dining area and a pantry. Exterior courtyard will be used as the main entry and control point as well as providing access to the waiting area and recreational uses. This shelter to be operated by Transition Projects.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss a project at 815 W Burnside St:
Current Code: New mixed-use apartment building with approx 150 homes and ground floor retail and amenities.
The Forest Park Entrance and Nature Center at 4315 NW St Helens Rd has been submitted for Type II Environmental Review:
Forest Park Entrance and Nature Center project: Nature Center with restrooms; access drive and parking with ADA spaces and bus parking; trailhead and accessible pathways connect to Forest Park; and street frontage improvements.
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the ROSE/APANO Affordable Mixed Use development at 8118 SE Division St:
New construction for a mixed-use, multi-family building with 48 units, residential common space, office for residential manager, common lobby and a shell only commercial space
A building permit was issued for a project at 5959 SW Virginia Ave:
New 3 story, 30 unit apartment building , includes associated sitework and retaining wall. See fire appeal # 14490 for allowing a distance of fdc from a hydrant up to 345 feet.
A building permit was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for the 250 Taylor office building:
New 11 story speculative office building, ground floor retail and common and support area serving office functions, 2 stories of below grade parking
A building permit was issued to Hacker for the Gilkey International Middle School at 677 NW Miller Rd:
New 3-story middle school building, to include new classrooms, offices, restrooms, and associated site work *** separate mechanical permit 17-180066mt ***