This post is the second in a series on the high-rises currently under construction in the North Pearl. See also Part I about the Cosmopolitan on the Park and Part III about Block 17.
The Overton apartments are currently under construction on a block that previously housed a single story warehouse. The 26-story building will be 252’ tall, and will include 284 residential units. The design, for Unico Properties, is by the Seattle of office of ZGF Architects with Ankrom Moisan as associate architect.
The building is composed of a 2-story podium with a tower above. The full block podium is mostly clad in clinker brick, and has a ecoroof and amenity spaces on top of it. Two levels of underground parking are provided below the podium, with space for 226 vehicles, 473 bicycles and bike locker rooms. The tower is rotated 45 degrees from the urban grid, to maximize views towards the river from the building’s NE side. The primary material of the tower is a window wall systems, with stainless steel shingles at the two proud corners. The shingles are a mix of colors, with 10% of the tiles being a bright blue.
The building’s main entrance will be on NW Overton St, with retail spaces on both sides of a small entry plaza. Live / work units are located along NW 13th Ave and NW Pettygrove St. Continuing the theme of elevated docks along NW 13th Ave, the live / work units along the street will be accessed via a raised wooden platform. NW Pettygrove will be improved to the Pettygrove Green Street [PDF] standards. Townhomes front onto NW 12th Ave, which will also have the garage entry.

View Looking Northwest at NW Overton

View Looking Northwest at NW 12th Avenue

View Looking Southwest Along NW Pettygrove
An earlier iteration of The Overton met some negative reaction, particularly regarding the design of the podium. In the Final Findings And Decision By The Design Commission [PDF] the project was praised for its evolution:
As mentioned in the findings above, the project will be an exciting addition to the district. It adds to the significant amount of development around the River District’s newest park, which will contribute to the instant success the park has already achieved. The proposed ground level will support the anticipated high volume of pedestrian traffic in the North Pearl. And, the tower will add more excitement to North Pearl’s skyline. In addition, the project brings new ideas, such as subtle color and intimate courtyard spaces at the ground level. The design team was very collaborative in finding responsive and creative solutions during both the Design Advice Request and Design Review processes to successfully address all stated concerns. The ground level was improved in many ways – greatly minimizing parking, finding coherency around the entire base, increasing activity at the facades and entries, diminishing and integrating service and louver areas, fine-tuning the special courtyard areas, providing well-detailed design and high-quality materials, studying the dock to provide both ADA access and adequate outdoor space, designing integrated entries and entry canopies at all spaces, etc. The tower’s coherency and integrated top were a large part of the design team’s focus in order to provide a fitting addition to North Pearl’s skyline.
As proposed, the project meets all Design Guidelines.
The project is scheduled for completion in August 2016.
Plans and Elevations
- Site Context
- Plan – Subgrade Parking
- Plan – Ground Floor
- Plan – Level 02 and 03
- Plan – Typical Tower and Mechanical
- Plan – Typical Tower (enlarged)
- Elevation – East and North
- Elevation – West and South
- Section – North/South
- Section – East/West
- Enlarged Plan / Elevation – NW Overton
- Enlarged Plan / Elevation – NW 12th
- Enlarged Plan / Elevation – NW Pettygrove
- Enlarged Plan / Elevation – NW 13th
I really hope this turns out better than it looks in the renders. Not only is the massing extremely clunky (one of the worst tower designs I’ve seen) it’s clear from the materiality that this is being built on the cheap. I blame the developers mostly. The design of the Cosmopolitan is light years better, granted it is a condo.
I also hope it looks better when completed, than the renderings. I wonder if the Portland office of ZGF might have taken the design to the next level.
When looking at the apartment floor plans, I am so disappointed. It’s thoughtless. Where is the storage? One day I hope to see an apartment where there is a place for a vacuum and more importantly, a place for a litter box.
This is a really sad proposal. Please ZGF and Ankrom, go back to the drawing board!!
Not pleased with the finished project. Does not seem like a Portland type structure.
The major materials used are just not up to par and seem like an afterthought. Maybe because it’s so close to the Cosmo Tower which is a first class building.
They might have trouble renting the units out. I noticed a large billboard on Burnside across from Powell’s books advertising available leases.
Only one word to describe this project: Boring!