The complete phased build-out of Oregon Square, as approved by the Design Commission in October 2016. Changes are being proposed to Block 103, shown at the right side of the image.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by GBD Architects for changes to Phase 2 of Oregon Square:
Changes are being proposed to LU 16-195933. Block 103 (SE) within Phase 2 is being proposed to change from a multi-story residential building to a mixed-use speculative commercial office building. The building along with the approved design of block 102 (NE) along with the approved buildings in Phase 1 will surround a publicly accessed pedestrian-only plaza. Two levels of below grade parking are proposed beneath 103 with the opportunity to connect 90 (SW) and 91 (NW). Changes to blocks 90 and 91 will add one level of below grade parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 5727 SE 136th Ave:
Construct a new 2-story church with parking lot at this location. Intent is to use the portion of the site zoned CN2 as the parking lot, and the R2a as the structure.
A project at 5421 NE 14th Pl has been submitted for Type III Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment:
Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment with Zone Map Amendment. The site would be rezoned from R1(Medium Density Multi-dwelling Residential) to CS (Storefront Commercial). The CS zone allows both commercial and residential uses. There is a two-story apartment building with 9 units on the site. The proposal is to redevelop the site with a 4-story mixed use building (Harvey Rice Heritage Center) with 20 residential units, 4,300 square feet of office on the second floor and 2,820 square feet of retail space on the ground floor. Ten on-site parking spaces are proposed with access from NE 14th Place. The parking area is partially underneath the second story of the building.
A project at 6103 SE Cora St has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story 15-unit apartment complex, with attached trash enclosure, and associated site work
The Overton 15 apartments have been submitted for building permit review:
New 7-story mixed use building with 68 apartments with ground level offices
A revised building permit for a project at 5965 SE Milwaukie Ave (previously 6003 SE Milwaukie) has been submitted for building permit review by Urban Development Group:
New 4-story 54 unit apartment complex, trash enclosure within structure and associated site work
A project at 3926 SE 11th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by SG Architecture:
New 1-story fellowship center 7,415 sq ft; basement – storage, mechanical equip, trash enclosure; main floor multi-purpose area, commercial kitchen, restrooms, storage, entry; exterior stairs/driveway on north elevation, new ADA ramp and stairs on west elevation, new parking lot on east elevation ***mechanical permit 17-174944mt ***
Building permits were issued to City Craft Development for projects at 7025 N Mohawk Ave and 7045 N Mohawk Ave (previously 7023 N Mohawk Ave and 7031 N Mohawk Ave):
New 2 story apartment building with 7 dwelling units with attached trash enclosure and sprinkler riser room, detached barbeque area, and associated sitework (same as 17-101237-CO)
New 2 story apartment building with 7 dwelling units with attached trash enclosure and sprinkler riser room, detached barbeque area, and associated sitework (same as 17-101236-CO)
A building permit was issued to Carleton Hart Architecture for the Beatrice Morrow Apartments (Grant Warehouse Redevelopment) at 3340 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
New 5 story, multi-family building with 80 units and ground floor retail (future). Site work includes new parking, circulation paths and landscaping.
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for a project at 5005 NE Sandy Blvd (previously 5035 NE Sandy Blvd):
Construct new 2 story building core and shell, no occupancy, to include on ground floor covered parking, bike storage, trash enclosure, and associated site work.***mechanical permit 17-110802mt****
A building permit was issued for a project at 3334 SE Belmont St:
New 3 story mixed use building; group B occupancy shell tenant space on half of first floor and apartments on remaining first, second, third floors.
You missed one – Looks like the permit got issued for:
3334 SE Belmont St
Also, 1208 SE Ankeny St is complete.
Thanks for catching that.
Is the 5965 SE Milwaukie Ave submitting under the inclusionary housing ordinance?