The Press Blocks have been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Tahran Architecture & Planning for a project at 5415 SE Milwaukie Ave:
Proposal is for two five story apartment building; one with 32 units; one with 48 units and with 31 surface parking spaces. The buildings will be designed to meet Community Design Standards. Stormwater handled with rain gardens and storm planters.
Early Assistance has been requested by Soderstrom Architecture for a project at 5826 N Willamette Blvd on the University of Portland campus:
Review under current code: New building w/offices, meeting rooms classrooms including related site development and landscaping. Two stories above grade, plus basement. Approx. 63,500 sq. ft. Sanitary will go to exisiting campus sewer system, storm water to new drywells.
A project at 808 SE Alder St has been submitted for building permit review:
Full building renovation, change of use and occupancy; addition of 3rd story. Full seismic upgrade (with 17-192142 MT)
The Press Blocks have been submitted for building permit review by GBD Architects:
24 story half block multi family apartment building with ground floor retail on top of 4 story full block parking garage
4 story quarter block mixed use building with ground floor retail on top of full block 4 story below grade parking garage
New 8 story office building with 1.5 levels of below grade parking
Riverplace Parcel 3 has been submitted for building permit review:
New 13 story Type I concrete high rise apartment building over concrete podium structure with ground floor commercial and daylight basement parking – 2nd 6 story tower permitted under 17-156305-CO
New 6 story 5 over 1 TYpe IIIA and Type I wood apartment over concrete podium structure with ground floor commercial and daylight basement parking – 2nd 6 story tower permitted under 17-156297-CO
A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 4950 NE 7th Ave:
New 18-unit, three-story apartment building, attached trash enclosure, drywell
A building permit was issued for NW 14th & Raleigh:
12 story, multi-family affordable housing, 93 units, parking for 15 cars, 654 misc. retail on 1st floor
A building permit was issued to William Wilson Architects for a project at 310 SE 12th Ave:
New 4 story 84 unit apartment building with basement garage and bike storage; associated site work