Building permits were issued for a 12-unit development on N Montana, designed by Architecture Building Culture
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 16th to April 22nd, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by EPR Design for a project at 1014 NE Alberta St:
Current code: There are no code changes to this site. Proposal is to demolish the existing single family detached hom to construct a new three story, 6 unit apartment house with associated site work. No parking is proposed for this site. The project will utilize voluntary inclusionary housing and amenity bonus options to increase density to six units.
A project at 6826 N Greenwich Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Icon Architecture/Planning:
New construction of 3-story, 9 unit multi family residence with a rooftop deck.***
Building permits were issued to Architecture Building Culture for a project with two buildings at 7054 N Montana Ave (formerly 7026 N Montana Ave):
Building A – new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building with covered trash enclosure under 150 sf.***DFS steel stair***separate fire sprinklers***
Building B – new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building.***DFS steel stair***separate fire sprinklers***
A building permit was issued to Integrate Architecture & Planning for a project at 3917 N Mississippi Ave:
Shell permit – new 3,799 s.f. two story building at south side of existing commercial building, includes patio areas, two new toilet rooms, and attached trash enclosure