The revised design for the Fremont Place apartments will include a wider greenway trail and creative art studio spaces facing the river.
The Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about Block 76 West—the project formerly known as Sideyard—which is “being squeezed into hot spot“*.
In a 4-0 vote, the Portland City Council took a tentative vote to approve revised designs for the Fremont Place Apartments. The Pearl District Neighborhood Association had previously voted to drop their opposition to the project.
Longtime Central Eastside developer Beam has been picked to lead the redevelopment of the ODOT Blocks, reports the Oregonian.
According to the Oregonian Blue Star Donuts will open a “massive new downtown Portland flagship” in the 12th & Morrison office building.
The Oregonian published images of what the MLB stadium proposed as part of the Portland Diamond Project could look like.
Foundation work is underway on 250 Taylor, which will be the new home for NW Natural. The Daily Journal of Commerce published photos of the progress to date.
The Portland Tribune reported that ‘World-class’ Portland school rebuilds are still planned despite $100M funding gap.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Re: SideYard, after the bait and switch in the design of The Yard, no one associated with that eyesore should have any further rights to design anything in that part of the city.
10% more windows, mainly at the top floors wouldn’t make The Yard look much different. There is so much anger about the ‘bait and switch” but in reality the difference was minor.
So you approve of the building’s current design and appearance, apparently? Which bears little resemblance to the design that was submitted and approved, a design that was mostly glass in the upper half. It was a bait and switch and the city dropped the ball. You can’t reasonably argue the difference is minor.
Jeff Kovel should be run out of town. Let that asshole ruin some other city, he isn’t welcome here.