The Magnolia 2 will include 50 new affordable apartment unit, directly adjacent to the first phase, which was completed in 2013.
Eater Portland looked at The Hoxton, “Chinatown’s new restaurant-packed hotel [that] is as cozy as it is chic.”
The Oregonian wrote about the two affordable housing measures Portland area voters are deciding on this year.
The Daily Journal of Commerce looked at how affordable housing developer Innovative Housing is partnering with a pre-apprenticeship program to provide workforce training during construction of the Magnolia II Apartments at 3250 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
The Oregonian looked at who is moving into nation’s tallest timber building, Carbon12.
Magnolia 2 looks like the missing upper stories of the New Seasons over on Williams. That’s the nicest thing that I can come up with right now.
Otherwise, sounds like a great underlying concept.
A million plus dollars for 1600 sq ft condo on NE Williams and Fremont?
Why would you do that? That area is still ghetto and gang shootings still occur pretty frequently.
For that price I’m going to the Pearl or South Waterfront
My wife and I lived not far from Fremont and Williams for over 30 years and would never have described that area as “ghetto.” It was not neither ghetto in the sense that the place was predominantly inhabited by a non-White ethnic group, nor that it was a slum.
Our sense is that some White people who do not live in the area associate places where Black people live as “ghetto” and gang infested. There have been some gang-related shootings in North and Northeast Portland, but these have been further north. Further, unless you’re affiliated with a gang, it is almost certain that you’ll never be the victim of gang violence. Crime studies show that in an overwhelming majority of cases, violent crime victims know their assailant. We may fear strangers who look different from us, but real danger usually comes from our own acquaintances and family.
That the fear of places like Northeast Portland that are associated with people of color is irrational is supported by actual crime statistics. Carbon 12 is in the Boise neighborhood. According to the Portland Police Department, there were 48 crimes against persons (this category includes homicides and assaults) from September 2017 to September 2018. During that same period, there were 210 such reported offenses in the Pearl (https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/71978). Want to reduce your chances of violence? Move out of the Pearl to the Boise neighborhood.
Thanks for honest feedback.