A building permit was issued for the Bridgetown apartments on NE Fremont St
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4540 SE Milwaukie Ave:
Proposal is for a four story multi-unit development. One single family residence and one commercial bldg to be demolished.
Early Assistance has been requested by C2K Architecture and Greenlight Development for a project at 2810 NE Broadway:
Proposal is to develop a mixed use structure with 74 apartment units, 22 parking spaces and 97 long term bicycle parking space with 4 short term bicycle parking spaces.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects for a project at 2222 NW Raleigh St:
Pre-application conference to discuss Type III Design Review needed for new mixed-use (market-rate) apartment building – with 178 units, ground floor retail, and underground parking.
A demolition permit is under review for the existing building at 1139 SW Morrison St:
Demo of existing building on site
A building permit is under review for a project at 5209 SE 18th Ave:
Construct new 6 story, 59 unit apartment building, parking, trash area, bike storage, electrical room and lobby on 1st floor, floors 2-6 include apartment living units, includes associated site work
Edge Development have submitted a project at 634 SE Spokane St for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building with site work
A building permit is under review for a project at 5023 N Minnesota Ave:
New 6 unit apartment building
Dowl have submitted a project at 12045 N Parker Ave for building permit review:
New restaurant building with associated site improvements
A building permit was issued to Jones Architecture for the Union at St Johns, located at 7428 N Charleston Ave:
New construction of four story type VA 146,613GSF, LU 15-213895-mixed use building with 36,187 SF underground parking, ground floor retail/creative space, and 3 floors of R-2 apartments. The ground story structure is PT. Slab. The 2nd story floor structure is a PT slab. The 2nd-4th floors are wood framed below grade parking
A building permit was issued for the Bridgetown apartments at 4525 NE Fremont St:
New 4 story mixed use building with ground floor retail and 50 residential units on upper floors. Includes onsite parking; fenced in electrical transformer
A building permit was issued for a project at 6850 N Greenwich Ave (formerly 6846 N Greenwich):
New construction of three story, 23unit apartment complex; no onsite parking