Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers March 7th, 2022 to March 13th, 2022.
The RiverPlace Redevelopment – Phase 1 at 150 S Montgomery St was submitted for Design Advice and a Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:
DAR for a new 30-story, multi-family high-rise development on the former Riverplace Athletic Club site, part of Phase 1/ Block 1 of the overall 8-acre site of the recently approved RiverPlace Central City Masterplan CCMS, located in the University District/ S. Downtown Subdistrict of the Central City Plan District. The Phase 1/Block 1 development preserves all existing housing in the Douglas Apartments and townhouse portions of the site.This proposal for the southern parcel of Block 1 will provide 329 dwelling units. Parking will be provided by utilizing unused existing spaces in the adjacent Douglas Apartments garage, which contains 385 stalls. 16,610 square feet of new public open area will be provided mid-block and to the south of the block.5 potential modifications include: Tower Floor Plate Size, Tower Floor Plate Dimensions, Eco-roof, Open Area Design and Ground Floor Windows.
DESGIN HEARING – Applicant is seeking Design Review approval for a new 30-story multi-family residential tower on former Riverplace Athletic Club (RAC) site. This development will be a Phase 1 of the in-process CCMP for the entire Riverplace site (LU 21-053731). This proposal will include approximately 325 residential units with parking provided by utilizing unused existing spaces in the adjacent Douglas Apartments garage. 16,610 square feet of new public open area will also be provided in two locations, in the middle of Block 1 and at the southern end of Block 1. These two open areas will provide public links from the Harbor Drive Trail on the west of the property to the new Street ¿A¿ as well as publicly accessible landscaped open space. Five (5) Modifications are requested:1.33.510.210.D.3.e Bonus heights, RiverPlace Height Opportunity Area. Request to allow an increased floor plate size from the allowed maximum 10,000 square feet to 12,500 square feet, above 100¿ in height.2.33.510.251.A.3.e Special building height corridors and tower orientation. Request to modify ¿north-south¿ from cardinal north-south to 90 degrees perpendicular to the easternly and westerly street grids west of the site.3.33.510.220 Ground Floor Windows, North Elevation – Request to reduce the ground floor window requirements from a minimum of 40 percent to 25 percent of the ground level wall areas.4.33.510.220 Ground Floor Windows, South Elevation – Request to reduce the ground floor window requirements from a minimum of 40 percent to 18 percent of the ground level wall areas.5.33.510.243 Ecoroofs. Request to reduce the eco-roof coverage requirements from 100 percent to 33 percent, with no ecoroof on the rooftop of the tower. A Design Review is required for new development within a Design Overlay zone in Central City Plan District per Section 33.420.041 of Title 33, Portland Zoning Code.
Early Assistance was requested by Holst Architecture for the Francis + Clare Place apartments at 1131 SE Oak St:
Permanent supportive housing development with 61 units and associated site improvements located in the EX zone with design overlay. Stormwater will be managed on site in accordance w/ BES standards. Note: The project is subject to a Type 3 DZ, but the applicant is choosing a Type 2 per footnote 2 Table 825-1.
Early Assistance was requested by TVA Architects for the reconfiguration of the Alder.9 Apartments at 888 Alder St:
9 Story mixed-use building with 159 units over ground floor retail. Stormwater treated via flow-through planters at second floor courtyard.
Design Advice was requested by Master Development for the NE 7th Ave Apartments at 701 NE 7th Ave:
DZ HEARING – Design Advice Request for a proposed 15-story multifamily apartment building with 260 dwelling units on a half-block site in the Lloyd Subdistrict of the Central City Plan District. The ground floorof the building will provide resident amenities. The rooftop will have an amenity deck, amenityroom, and an ecoroof. Below grade parking is proposed with access from NE Irving St. OneModification to allow some parking spaces to be 7¿-9¿ wide may be proposed.
A Pre-Application Conference was scheduled by SERA Architects for the Modera University District at 1900 SW 5th Ave:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss a new 7-story multi-dwelling residential building with approximately 250 dwelling units. The project includes 2 stories of underground parking accessed from SW Hall St.
A project at 8141 SE Luther Rd (previously 7939 SE Luther Rd) was submitted for building permit review:
PDOX – new 3 story storage building w22-119109-CO **Mechanical separate**
A building permit was issued for a project at 7360 N Atlantic Ave:
New 2 story 4 unit apartment building with associated site work; trash enclosure less than 120 sf