Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers March 25th to March 31st, 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 1634 SW Alder St:
Development of a seven-story mixed use building with approximately 218 units and ground floor retail. Approximately 13 structured parking spaces are proposed with access from SW Alder Street. Two on-site loading spaces are also proposed.
Early Assistance has been requested for the Benson High School Modernization:
Modernization of the existing Benson Polytechnic High School (BPHS), a new 100,000 sf school and potential parking structure on the site of the current 1.5 acre BPHS parking lot, and ADA access improvements to Buckman Fields Park.
Early Assistance has been requested by GBD Architects for a project at SE 2nd and Ash:
The proposed project is a 92,385 sf building (with 60,000 sf of industrial office, 5,000 sf of traditional office, ground floor retail and structured parking). The building has a day lit basement level and first floor of concrete with 5 levels of Type IV-C heavy timber above. Stormwater will be collected on the roof of the building and treated in flow through stormwater planters on the third level.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 2923 and 2933 SE Division St:
One three-story 19 unit building at 2923 and one four-story 18-19 unit building at 2933. Both with ground floor retail. Drywells or storm planters proposed in rear setback.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3228 SW Sunset Blvd:
Convert a section of parking lot (one of two options) – approximately 1/2 acre to multi-plex affordable housing. They could possibly want to sell off that portion of land first, with a condition that the purchaser needs to agree to build affordable housing.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1006 SE Grand Ave:
Project to include renovation of existing building and construction of a new multi-family on parking lot portion, land division is likely – with a shared access to parking with the existing curb cuts on SE Grand
An excavation and shoring permit is under review for Block 216:
Block 216 – EXC 01 – Shoring and Excavation work to prepare for future 35 story mixed use building with 5 floors of below grade parking
A building permit was issued to Merryman Barnes Architects for the Morrison Market at 722 SE 10th Ave:
Addition for (N) A-2 mezzanine with office and storage; TI for new tenant (indoor foos cart pod); change of occupancy from S3 to A2; add new interior walls to create (2) multi-stall restrooms, (5) food pods, bar area on first floor; seismic upgrade
A building permit was issued for a project at 1515 N Rosa Parks Way:
New 3-story, 14 unit mixed use building, ground floor retail space, associated site work***w/17-191400-mt
Building permits were issued for Fernhill Crossing at 6442 NE 42nd Ave:
New construction 1 of 4 multifamily residential building with 4 units and associated site improvements including detached trash enclosure under 120 sf **mech permit to be obtained separately**
New construction 2 of 4 multifamily residential building with 8 units. **mechanical permit to be obtained separately**
New construction 3 of 4 multifamily residential building with 4 units. **mechanical permit to be obtained separately**
A building permit was issued for a project at 6191 SE Powell Blvd:
Construct new 3 story self storage building with office and parking loading area in NE corner of the building; associated site work