1133 SW Market, as presented to the Design Commission in March 2015
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
SERA Architects have requested Design Advice for a project at 205 NW 10th Ave:
Type III Design Review for a proposed new 11-14 story residential building with ground-floor retail and 96 below grade parking spaces.
Allusa Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1428 SE 19th Ave:
New 3-story apartment building w/basement.
Kōz Development have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1015 NW 16th Ave:
New 6-story,153-unit studio apartment building. Demo of 2 existing structures on site.
bkl/a architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3336 SE Belmont St:
New 3-story mixed use building proposed to replace current building.
UrbanLens Planning have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6125 SE Division St:
New memory care facility building (14,000 sq ft) consisting of 18 private and 5 double units for a total of 28 beds/residents. Building to also include a dining area, courtyard, and support facilities. 42 structured parking spaces with at-grade entry.
YGH Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1122 SE Ankeny St:
Proposal is for construction of a new six story multi-residential building.
Mackenzie have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 2800 NW Front Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Conditional Use Review, Type II Nonconforming Situation Review and Greenway Review and possible Type III Greenway Goal Exception Review. The applicant is proposing to construct a new approx. 14,000 square foot headquarters office and make other site improvements on the existing Selzer Pump site. The proposal was discuss in a previous Early Assistance meeting – EA 15-219075. The applicant has submitted questions for staff response.
KMG Designs have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 3926 SE 11th Ave:
New approximately 7,780 sq ft fellowship center. New trash enclosure and parking spaces at rear of building. Removal of existing curb driveway on SE 11th St
A Conditional Use Review has been submitted by JRA Architecture & Planning for the Home2 Suites by Hilton @ Portland Airport at 7101 NE 82nd Ave:
Construct a 99 guest room four story suites hotel . Remove existing restaurant and meeting room.
SERA Architects have submitted a project at 1133 SW Market St for Design Review:
Construct 14-story apartment building with 146 market rte units. Mechanical parrking for 21 parking stalls is located on the ground floor.
Rainier Pacific Development have submitted a project at 4455 SE 52nd Ave for building permit review:
New mixed use building, ground floor retail, 64 units, on-site parking, landscaping and utilities
TVA Architects have submitted a project at 1313 SE Lambert St for building permit review:
New 4 story 19 unit apartment building, main floor to include trash room and electrical room; with associated site work