The Eastside Health Center at 122nd and Burnside will include two floors of integrated primary care, substance use disorder treatment, domestic violence counseling and wellness services, as well as on-site housing operated by Central City Concern.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by Alamo Manhattan for two buildings at 3714 SW Macadam Ave:
The projects are two separate mid-rise structures with a mixed-use program comprised of multi-family housing (approx. 200 units in each building), commercial and parking uses. Parking for approx. 240 cars will be provided in each garage structure.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at SE 124th & Ash:
Approximately 170 units of affordable senior housing to be developed at SWC/ 124th & SE ASH ST, former TRI-MET park and ride parking lot. Project will be slab on grade with four stories of wood framing, presumably type V construction. Site parking will be incorporated at 0.25 per unit along with bike parking. Applicant is meeting Community Design Standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by EPR Design for a project at 3723 SW Hood Ave:
Proposal is to construct two buildings on two separate tax lots. Each building with have 13 residential units and the buildings will be identical.There is no parking proposed on-site and it is not required as the site is close to public transportation. Because of the minimal area and slope of lot (20% or greater) a flow-through planter is proposed for the roof storm water. Each unit will have private decks and a common shared outdoor area. The developer’s goals are to meet all of base zone standards without any adjustment requests. The site area is in the regulatory landslide hazard area.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for a project at 1206 NE Alberta St:
Proposal is for a 4-story multifamily residential development of 48 units total with ground floor retail (future TI). Support spaces for residential include lobby, management office, common utility spaces and bicycle storage. Exterior site improvements and streetscape upgrades on three frontages are also included in the project. Stormwater disposal will be via on-site drywells.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss work at Adventist Medical Center:
Previous EA – 17-123133. The proposed improvements will increase development on campus by 107,726 sf from additional sq footage: build out the remaining 47,226 sq ft of shell space in Pavillion; re-purpose the former in-patient psychiatric facilities located in hospital north wing for other campus medical uses (results in no additional square footage); expand Nursing Tower by 50,000 sq ft to allow for larger inpatient rooms (increasing typical size from 110 sq ft to approx 300 sq ft per room – without adding add’l beds; construct a 10,000 sq ft childcare/daycare facility on the west end of the property north of Main Street; add a community garden (open-to-the-public) approx 58,000 sq ft in size (results in no add’l square footage).
The Providence Park Expansion has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Allied Works Architecture:
Proposal is for the eastside expansion of Providence Park to create a more inviting sports venue and to amplify the sound and energy created by The Timbers Army and fans throughout the stadium. The building will be a lacework of steel structure preserving connection to the neighborhood and inviting lights/views from all sides.
The Eastside Health Center at 25 NE 122nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New 6 story mixed use building to consist of medical clinic, mix of transitional housing and mult family residential housing
A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for a project at 4204 NE Halsey St:
Construct new 6 story building with concrete podium and 5 level wood framed construction; ground floor level parking with building lobby and 3 future tenant spaces; top levels to include 100 apartment units; associated site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 2027 SE Harold St:
Construct new 3 story (4) unit apartment building with associated site work