7707 SW Capital Highway
Multnomah Village residents are attempting to block a planned apartment building at 7707 SW Capitol Highway. The building will include 70 market rate apartments, two retail units, and between 43 and 60 parking stalls.
The Portland Business Journal wrote about plans for the adaptive reuse of the Stagecraft Building, one of the last remaining buildings in the Pearl suitable for conversion.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Monday for the Japanese Garden Expansion, with architect Kengo Kuma in attendance from Japan.
The first phase of the Ecotrust’s Redd on Salmon St food hub is now open and ready for tenants. The project will consist of two buildings: Marble and Foundry. Work on the Foundry building is expected to be completed in late 2016.
The Pine Street Market, which is due to open late this year, was named as one of American’s 17 Most Anticipated Food Halls by Eater. It was joined on the list by the James Beard Public Market, currently scheduled to open in 2018.
A study of Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum has come up with five options for how the structure could be renovated. These range for minor upgrades to address maintenance needs, to creating an indoor track and field facility.
A profile of developer/architect Ben Kaiser at Oregon Business looked at his ideas for how to deal with earthquakes, in both new and existing buildings. Work on the Radiator at One North, designed by Kaiser’s practice PATH Architecture, was recently completed.
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette has sold a downtown parking lot, reported the Portland Business Journal. The non profit is still considering its options for its headquarters at 619 SW 11th, however at a recent Pre-Application Conference plans for a 15 story hotel were discussed.
A commercial structure at 8235 SE 17th Ave has been demolished, reported the Portland Chronicle. A building permit is under review for a new apartment building on the site, by developer Urban Development Group.