Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers September 16th to September 22nd 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 5920 E Burnside St:
Remove Existing buildings. Construct 2 new apartment buildings. 62 units total. 4 story with inclusionary housing.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architecture for Multnomah County’s project at 333 SW Park Ave:
Renovation of an existing, county-owned building for use as a Behavioral Health Resource Center. The building is approximately 24,000 gross square feet, four-and-one-half story structure located on SW Park Ave.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5024 NE Fremont St:
Existing dwelling to be removed and parcel proposed for multi-dwelling unit development for 12 units. Two buildings are proposed with a shared stairway. There is no density requirement in the CM1 zone. Proposed FAR is 1.5
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 4047 N Williams Ave:
Two adjacent sites that will be developed under separate ownership, eah with two four-story apartment buildings, one with 17 units and one with 13 units and ground floor retail. Drywell proposed in common courtyard. A separate design review will be needed for each site.
Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 8042 N Willamette Blvd:
12 unit apartment building (9,713 GSF) with drywell
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 8005 SE 13th Ave:
Construction of one 3-story 19-unit building with ground floor lobby and retail. 60% eco roof coverage is proposed for stormwater.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Lance Mueller & Associates Architecture to discuss a project at 55 NE Broadway:
An addition to the existing service shop of Toyota of Portland with structured parking and auto inventory storage over the ground level shop expansion.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a Floor & Decor store at 11919 N Jantzen Dr:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss construction of a new 80,000 square foot building. The proposed tenant is a Retail Sales and Service Use, Floor & Décor, which sells wood flooring and tile to the general public. One hundred four surface parking spaces are proposed. The existing buidling (Safeway) will be demolished.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss a project at 1137 NW 23rd Ave:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss a mixed use building with ground level retail. One level of below grade parking is proposed that takes access from NW Northrup. Approximately 48 parking spaces and one Type B Loading Space are proposed. The retail space is at ground level and is 12,690 square feet in floor area. The upper 4 levels are proposed to have a total of approximately 70 apartments.
An Excavation and Shoring permit is under review for Eleven West at 1102-1116 SW Washington St:
11W – EXC 01- Excavation and Shoring for a New 25 story mixed use building, with 4 below grade floors for parking
A project at 3924 N Montana Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3 story 6 unit apartment building with common lobby, and associated site work including detached trash enclosure under 120 sf mechanical separate
A building permit was issued to Allied Works Architecture for 2291 NW Glisan St (previously 500 NW 23rd Ave):
New construction of 4 story mixed use building, retail on the first floor with associated site work (tenant improvement separate)
A building permit was issued to Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 5311 NE Glisan St (previously 506 NE 53rd Ave):
Construct new 4 story (18) unit apartment building with associated site work and detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft
Can’t wait for Eleven West to be developed! But I wonder, whatever happened to the Byline development at the Loyd Cinemas? It has been infamously in the permit review process. Can somebody please tell me what is going with that? It might as well go inactive if it’s taking this long.
It’s pretty much cancelled at this point. I’m thinking the sears movie theater project is cancelled as well. As that’s taking equally as long to start. In fact the Live Nation project is pretty much stalled and looking dead at this point as well.
Makes you wonder if the mall ownership are working secretly with the baseball group planning to bring MLB to Portland on a deal to just all the sudden not move forward with these projects
Thanks for the response. And wow, even the live nation project? Right after Zidell Yards was cancelled (for now at least) and now live nation? I still have hopes for an MLB stadium. I think that has a lot of support from the public. I occasionally see a MLB PDX bumper sticker.
My friend brought up a good point…which team is going to move to Portland? Does anyone know if any owners have shown even a speck of interest in moving or selling?
So many major projects cancelled. It’s making me nervous that something’s going on. I mean, in the mid 2000s stuff like this started, culminating in the Crash of ’08. Right up to it people insisted everything was fine. I’m getting the same vibes now, and the makers and shakers say everything is fine. If it was, then why is so much being cancelled? I’m bummed about the cinema redevelopment being cancelled. They had some nice ideas for the space. The Lloyd District really needs some help and some people. I hope the Zidell properties come back, too. There’s so much land down there. It seems a shame to just keep it all dirt fields.
Just look at the projects. It shouldn’t take THIS long to get the movie theater and live nation project started. Something is definitely up or the Lloyd district is really in trouble
Yes. Both. That’s all I can say.
So you do know something. I’m hearing all these projects are cancelled
I’m actually ok if the Lloyd center area has to fail before it has a renaissance. That mall is an eyesore to our city’s fabric. Once it fails and we can restore smaller blocks of development and mid rise/high rise buildings. This will probably be a 5-10 year process. It might even be cool if we put the new MLB stadium in the mix with new housing in the Lloyd district.
The city is evolving. I say let the old school mall fail, and then we can reclaim all that beautiful central city fabric.
I think baseball is unliklely to come to Portland. The most likely team for relocation would be Tampa Bay which has an abysmal stadium and no local interest in building something new. But the most likely destination would not be Portland. It would be San Antonio which is a similar size city that already has a stadium that can be configured for baseball (the Alamo Dome) while they are building something new. San Antonio has a massive tourism infrastructure on the west side with all the big theme parks and has a massive market in Mexico waiting to be tapped. Monterrey MX is only a few hours away and is a market of over 5 million. Austin which is also the size of Portland is only an hour north. The San Antonio Spurs have massively tapped into the MX market and baseball is a far more popular sport than basketball in MX. A San Antonio team could even play occasional games in Monterrey which has the largest and nicest baseball stadium in Mexico.