A foundation permit was issued for Carbon12, which will be the first Cross Laminated Timber building in the USA to reach 8 stories.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group for a project at 2548 SE Ankeny St:
New development 77 units with 26 below grade parking spaces
Early Assistance has been requested by Edge Development for a project at 634 SE Spokane St:
New 3 story res building- 12 units. The applicant’s intention is to meet community design standards.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Gerding Edlen Development for a project at 5 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review and possible Type III Central City Parking Review for a new 17-story mixed use building with ground-floor retail and approximately 100,000 square feet of Office floor area and approx. 200,000 square feet of Residential floor area (estimated 220 units). Below-grade parking will be provided, with approx. 180 spaces that will serve both the residential and office uses.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a revised proposal for 505 NW 14th Ave:
280 unit 16 story building with market rate apartments and ground floor retail. Basement parking is included.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 1500 SW Taylor St:
10-story mixed-use apartments including approximately 150 residential units and two levels of below grade parking.
A project at 2869 NE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
206 unit, 6-story apartment building with basement parking and partial retail on the first floor.
1430 NW Glisan St has been submitted for Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
Proposal is for a 16 story high rise residential project.
Two buildings at 5833 SW Macadam Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Jivanjee Circosta Architecture:
New construction of 4 story multifamily building with 31 units with onsite parking, site improvements and site amenities
New construction of 3 story multifamily building with 33 units with onsite parking, site improvements and site amenities
Five buildings at 26 SE 146th Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Doug Circosta Architect:
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building; with associated site work; building 1 of 5
Construct new 3 story (24) unit apartment building; building 2 of 5
Construct new 3 story (7) unit apartment building; building 3 of 5
Construct new 3 story (18) unit apartment building; building 4 of 5
Construct new 2 story (1) unit apartment building with laundry on main floor; building 5 of 5
A building permit is under review for a project at 2611 SW Water Ave:
New construction of 100-unit 5story apartment building, with site improvements, onsite parking and interior trash room
A foundation permit was issued to PATH Architecture for Carbon12:
Partial permit for utilities associated with excavation, shoring, and foundation at basement*****see comments re: review by state of oregon building codes division*****
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 2929 SE Stark St (previously 2913 SE Stark St):
Construct new 3 story (46 unit) apartment building with associated site work