The 304 unit ART Tower is proposed for the north half of the Artist Repertory Theatre block in Goose Hollow.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 2nd to July 8th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Guerrilla Development for a project at 3839 NE Killingsworth St:
Convert a warehouse/storefront building with existing church use into a six (6) one-bedroom loft style residential units with shared and private courtyards. Courtyards will be created by removing portions of existing roofing. 20% unit density increase to be achieved through amenity bonuses.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 144 NE 97th Ave:
Proposal is for a multifamily project designed to maximize site efficiency and provide high-quality, family size housing. Project contains two, 4-story buildings totaling 64 units on 3 x RX lots. Project includes 24 x 3 bedroom units (bu), 6 x 2bu, 32 x 1 bu, and 2 studios. Parking is .4 to 1 (26 stalls). A leasing office and bike storage are onsite. Stormwater management to be achieved onsite using category 1 and 2 methods, including roof drainage to a drywell and parking lot to biofiltration devices, including but not limited to infiltration swales and/or basins
The Portland Art Museum Rothko Pavilion at 1219 SW Park Ave has been submitted for a Type III Historic Resource Review and a Type II Conditional Use Review by Hennebery Eddy Architects:
New 3-story pavillion connecting the existing North and South Portland Art Museum Buildings. There will also be a new loading area along SW Jefferson St, which requires a separate driveway design exception (per PBOT).
The Oregon Harbor of Hope at 1201 Northwest Naito Parkway has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
Construction of the Navigation Center, a short-term shelter and resource center for Oregon Harbor of Hope.
The ART Tower at 1515 SW Morrison St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
Proposal to demolish portion of existing building on nw quarter of the block and surface parking lot at NE quarter of the block. New construction of 21 story mixed use residential building on the north half of the block. Retail, lobby and amenities at the ground floor. Parking below grade.
A new Type III Design Review Application for the Lloyd West Anchor Remodel has been submitted by Waterleaf Architecture:
Renovation of existing retail mall anchor to accommodate multiple tenants, increasing the existing height by one story. The renovation includes the SW corner of the existing mall known as Block A and the exterior facade remodel and plaza/yard improvements on the south, west, and north sides of existing building. One modification requested to the bicycle parking standards.
The Intersection on the Adidas campus at 5055 N Greeley Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Hacker Architects:
new addition between buildings B and C on the West side of the Adidas village campus