The PSU Four+Montgomery project, as shown to the Design Commission
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 9th to April 15th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 1715 SW Salmon St:
7-story mixed use building (177 units) with 8,800 square feet of retail space on the ground floor. Twenty-seven parking spaces are proposed with access from SW 17th. Two loading spaces are proposed in the structured parking area.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 111 NE Killingsworth St:
Current code: Proposal is for 5 unit condominiums.
Early Assistance has been requested by Habit for Humanity for a project at 8124 N Interstate Ave:
More than likely – future code -with not a lot of impact to the site/project by the changes: New construction of 30 units of multi-dwelling housing development. It will be two (2) 3-story buildings to be constructed in two phases. All units will be sold as permanently affordable condo through the City of Portland preference policy. This project is to move through the GATR fast-track process with oversight from PHB.
The PSU Four+Montgomery building at 401 SW Harrison St has been submitted for Type III Design Review and Type III Conditional Use Review by SRG Partnership:
Construction of new 7-story, 174,000 sq ft classroom/lab/office building. See concurrent DZM, AD review (case # is: LU 18-151941 DZM, AD).
Construction of new 7-story, 174,000 sq ft classroom/lab/office building. See concurrent Conditional Use Case (LU 18-151969).
A project at 5055 N Greeley Ave at the Adidas Campus has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Hacker Architects:
The project proposes a new structure (identified as the “Intersection”) located between two existing buildings (Identified as Buildings B and C) on the Adidas campus. The proposal also includes a new pedestrian plaza along N Greeley Ave.
A project at 7661 SW Capitol Highway has been submitted for building permit review:
Four story 39 unit mixed use building with ground floor commercial shell.
A building permit was issued to Soderstrom Architects for an addition to St John Fisher Parish at 4567 SW Nevada St:
Addition to existing building to add new parish hall; renovation of existing rectory (R3 occupancy); new site improvements include parking, landscape and storm water facility
A building permit was issued to FFA Architecture & Interiors for the 10th & Yamhill Smart Park Renovation:
Addition to existing parking garage; stair and elevator towers to be removed in all 4 corners; stairs and elevators to be replaced at 2 corners; retail additions at 2 corners; maintain occupancy of parking garage and parking enforcement office during construction. Reconfigure first floor layout including partitions for shell tenant spaces and addition to first floor shell tenant spaces at northeast and southwest corners. Repair and maintenance throughout parking levels. Accessibility upgrades. ***mechanical permit separate***
A structural permit was issued to GBD Architects for SW 3rd & Ash:
STR 01 – Partial permit for excavation, shoring, foundation, structural shell through level 2 and all under slab and perimeter utility for the project. One level below parking with 6 stories above grade
A building permit was issued for a project at 1610 SE Tacoma St:
New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with attached trash enclosure, includes associated sitework *** w/ 17-264915-MT ***
A shoring permit was issued for a project at 6315 SW Canyon Ct:
Partial permit for temporary shoring wall and mass grading for Buildings 1, 2 & 4
A building permit was issued to Scott Edward Architecture for a project at 5905 SE Belmont St:
New single story dental clinic and surrounding site improvements; shell only.
A building permit was issued to Mackenzie for a project at 2922 SE 82nd Ave:
Construct new 3-story self storage building; 1st floor. 3 separate future tenant spaces and storage; 2nd & 3rd floor storage only; and associated site work *** mechanical permit 17-196247mt ***