Skylab Architecture have presented a proposal to the Design Commission for a skywalk which would link the Yard tower at the Burnside Bridgehead to the proposed Sideyard building. The under construction Yard tower by Key Development and Guardian Real Estate Services will include 276 residential apartment units and 19,709 sq ft of retail/office space. Sideyard by Key Development is currently going through Design Review, and is planned to include 21,151 sq ft of retail and office space.
Category Archives: Skylab Architecture
Weekly Roundup: Block 75 phase II, Hayashi Rowhomes, Chamberlain Hotel and more

The Hayashi Rowhomes by Hacker
Beam Development announced that they have bought the Chamberlain Hotel building, home to Shleifer Furniture for the last 80 years. They intend to return the building to its original use as a hotel.
The SE Portland gay bar and restaurant Starky’s has closed due to the retirement of its owners, reported the Portland Mercury. The building at 2913 SE Stark is due to be demolished and replaced with a 46 unit multifamily building.
The DJC published photos of the Hayashi Rowhomes, currently under construction on N Vancouver Avenue. The homes were designed by Hacker for developer Project^.
A buddhist center is rising on an old landfill, reported KGW. The Dharma Rain Center will be a “community of mixed housing, meditation hall and public green space”.
An expansion of the Portland Rock Gym makes it the city’s second largest climbing, according to the Portland Business Journal. Work on the expansion began in January and was recently completed.
At Portland Architecture Jeff Kovel of Skylab Architecture discussed Yard, currently rising at the Burnside Bridgehead.
Also at the Burnside Bridgehead, Beam Development revealed to the Portland Business Journal that Block 75 Phase II could be a 20 story wood tower.
The Portland Chronicle reported on three building in Beaumont-Wilshire that will be demolished to make way for a mixed use building at 4525 NE Fremont St.
Hollywood residents are concerned about the parking situation in the neighborhood as the Footprint Hollywood micro apartment building near completion, reported KATU.
Metro Reports: hotel on Burnside, mixed use in Lents, office on Front Ave and more

1320 Broadway, formerly home to the Oregonian
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Works Partnership have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 910 E Burnside:
Proposal is to build a 6 story structure with restaurant/retail on ground floor, indoor/outdoor event space on second floor and four floors of hotel units.
Skylab Architecture have requested Design Advice for a structure that would like Yard at the Burnside Bridgehead to Sideyard:
Design Advice Request for a Type I Skywalk spanning between Blocks 67 & 76 off of East Burnside
Scott Edwards Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1451 NE Alberta:
Redevelopment of a three-story, mixed-use building with a warm-shell commercial space of the ground floor. 2 levels of residential above (10) one-bed/one-bath units, while preserving the existing building facade. Checking that no stormwater improvements are required – since they are redeveloping.
GPA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3131 N Columbia Blvd:
2-story office building with support spaces for manufacturing facility
GBD Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 2301 NW Savier St:
Pre-application conference for a Type III DZ review for a new 4-story mixed use building.
Carleton Hart Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 8710 N Dana Ave:
New Group living facility – Supportive Living for youth phasing out of foster care. Proposal is for 15 unit group living structure.
Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on Lents Town Center Property #3 (South) at 9101 SE Foster Rd:
4-story mixed use development with ground floor commercial. Approximately 28 Parking Spaces
Ankrom Moisan Architects have applied for a Conditional Use Review for a project at 1300 NE 16th Ave:
Combine parking lot for hpp 1300 NE 16th Ave. Directly adjacent house to be demolished at 1716 NE Clackamas St. Proposal is for new two story 10-plex independent living apartments to be built over below grd parking. With 4 adjustments
Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have submitted the Field Office at 2030 NW 17th Ave for Design Review:
Type 3 Design Review w/2 modifications for two 5-6 story office buildings above a “park” that creates a central garden/plaza, lobby areas, retail spaces, and building amenitites.
Allied Works Architecture have submitted 1320 Broadway for building permit review:
Core and shell renovation of existing full block Oregonian building. Partial change of occupancy, convert basement offices to parking. New entrances and windows, new ramp to parking. Reinforce mezzanine for live loads, new opening in elevator shaft for new stop. Relocate existing generator. New restrooms, locker rooms, and showers.
A building permit has been issued for a project at 6518 SE Division St:
New 3-story apartment building with 9 units, detached 71 sq ft fenced trash enclosure, parking lot and associated site work. No truss package provided
A building permit has been issued to Dustrud Architecture for a project at 2605 NE 7th Ave:
6-story, 68 unit multifamily apartment (5 over 1) with 1 story 43 cars/75 bikes underground parking.
A grading permit has been issued to Opsis Architecture for the Oregon Zoo Education Center:
Site work for new Oregon Zoo Education Center. Demo 3 buildings (see separate permits),demo existing below grade utilities and site prep for future buildings related to new education center.
Metro Reports: Block 76W, redevelopment of YMCA for Under Armour, NAYA Generations and more

Skylab’s Block 76W
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 12647 SE Stark St:
Proposed development of a 46 Unit Apartment Project consisting of 2-3stroy light frame buildings with 36 proposed parking spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested by Jivanjee Circosta Architecture for a project at 5833 SW Macadam Ave:
Mixed Use 57-60 residential units with retail/commercial surface and tuck under parking. Proposal includes 2 buildings and 36 parking spaces. Looking to meet Community Design Standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by Otak Architects for a project at 2731 SE Belmont St:
New five story apartment building with 44-48 units and sub-grade retail parking and storage.
Early Assistance has been requested by Otak Architects for a project at 4335 SE Belmont St:
New four story apartment building with 36-37 units and an adjacent grade parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a building at 7032 N Montana Ave:
Four story over subterranean garage, 21 unit apartment building.
Skylab Architecture have submitted Block 76W for Design Review. The small building will be located immediately to the east of Yard (formerly Block 67):
Proposal is for the development of retail and storage space
Siteworks Design Build have submitted their renovation of 2815 SW Barbur Blvd into Under Armour’s new home for Design Review:
Complete renovation of current YMCA building with perimeter landscaping.
A building permit is under review for the remodel of St Michael the Archangel at 424 SW Mill St, by DiLoreto Architecture:
Demo existing attached 2-story office building and replace with single story addition with basement; demo and reconfigure main floor at sanctuary, include offices, work room and elevator; basement level reconfigure and relocate restrooms, includes kitchen area, meeting room and mechanical room; seismic upgrage to existing church, project includes parking area and associated site work. Detached trash enclosure less than 120 sf.
A series of building permits are under review for the NAYA Generations project at 5205 SE 86th Ave, by Carleton Hart Architecture:
Demo existing elementary school building, six classrooms, support spaces and exterior canopy. Single story, wood framed building
Demo existing elementary school building. One classroom, single story, wood framed
New 2 story, wood framed, multi-family building with 11 units
New 2-story, wood-framed, multi-family building with 12 units
New 2-story, wood-framed, multifamily building with 6 units
A building permit is under review for a building at 10721 NE Sandy Blvd, by Brett Schulz Architect:
Insulated shell only; construct new 1 story building with associate site work
A building permit was issued for the Treece & Lambert Apartments at 2250 NE Glisan St:
New 5 story 37 unit apartment building; ground floor to include parking and 3 units;associated site work
Focus: 25 Tallest Buildings Planned or Under Construction
It’s now almost 6 months since the first post on Next Portland. Since then we’ve published over 180 posts and added over 350 projects to our map, which is a testament to the staggering scale of development happening right now in Portland. Much of this development is 4-6 story buildings along the corridors such as N Williams and SE Division, but there is also a large number of tall buildings going up in the Central City, which why we decided to list the 25 tallest buildings planned or under construction.
While the boom of the 2000s was defined by the activity in South Waterfront, today that district has no apartments or condos planned over 6 stories tall. By contrast the Pearl, the Lloyd District and the Central Eastside are all seeing their skylines altered. Activity in Downtown has quieter, but it also has the tallest building in our list, which is now the 4th tallest building in the city.
Where possible, the heights given are the building height as defined in the Portland Zoning Code and published in the Design Commission’s Final Findings. Where indicated the heights have been estimated.
1 – Park Avenue West
Height: 460′
Architect: TVA Architects
Status: Under Construction
Burnside Bridgehead, Pt II: Block 67 (Images)
This post is the second in a series on the developments at the Burnside Bridgehead. See also Part I about Block 75.
Block 67, a 21 story tower designed by Skylab in partnership with LRS Architects, is under construction at the east end of the Burnside Bridge. The building is composed of a 5 story podium with a 16 story tower over it. The tower is a parallelogram in plan, set at an angle diagonal to the street grid, giving it a knife-edge appearance in the NW/SE axis. The tower will include 276 residential apartment units, while the podium includes room for 200 car parking spaces and 19,709 sq ft of retail/office space. 416 bicycle parking spaces will be included in the podium and in individual units.
The developers behind the project are Hood River based Key Development and Portland based Guardian Real Estate Services. A Multiple-Unit Limited Tax Exemption was approved [PDF] by the Portland Housing Bureau, which will allow the developers to offer 20% of the apartments at rents affordable to people making 60% or lower of median family income, for at least 10 years.
12|Stark under construction in the West End (images)
12|Stark will be latest addition to Downtown’s West End, which has seen an explosion in retail in recent years. The 1918 building is currently undergoing a major transformation, which includes a seismic upgrade. The project will see the building’s ground floor change from an office use to retail, and will potentially include a roof terrace. As reported by