Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers February 22nd, 2021 to February 28th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4961 SE 73rd Ave:
2 New buildings on existing lot. Both buildings 3 Stories above grade with basement. 1- 14 unit building. 1 – 16 unit building. On site stormwater treatment.
Early Assistance has been requested by Evident Architecture Office for a project at 2892 NW Upshur St:
New 4-Unit Multi-Family Structure With On Site Parking
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at SW Barbur Blvd and Hamilton Terrace:
Proposed 12-Unit Apartment Complex with Associated Parking Lot Improvements in the RM1 and RM1c Zones. Approximately 28,228 sq. ft. of site area is located within the Environmental Conservation Overlay Zone area.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Barry Smith Architect to discuss a project at 3333 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd:
(Refer to Zoning Map dated 2/24/21 for accurate portrayal of lots involved.) PROPOSAL The proposal is develop housing on Marquam Hill to eliminate commuting for residents and support personnel of the Hospitals and Level 1 Trauma Center. Housing and services are provided for the employment providers adjacent to the site. Household Living will be classified as Residential Group R1 and R2 for temporary and permanent residences by the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code. Household Living is mixed within structures in a combination of SRO and apartment configurations. Business, Retail Sales and Service and Assembly Occupancies are developed to provide support services for residents, guests and neighbors. Parking is provided and shared throughout the site. Also proposing Comprehensive Plan Map/Zoning Map Amendment for southerly lots from RM3 to CM2. Summarized (by Barry Smith): Change CM2 and RM3d map designations to EXd, concurrently with Planned development, concurrently with Design Review. 904 SW Gibbs can be considered a part of the site so long as we can continue the current path to start construction 3Q 2021.
A project at 4325 N Mississippi Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Single PDF – new 3 story 12 unit apartment building.
A building permit was issued for the Society RCP at 1455 NE 62nd Ave:
New 3-story, 3-unit apartment building, including interior trash, associated sitework and on-site stormwater management.
A building permit was issued for the Morningstar at Laurelhurst at 3140 NE Sandy Blvd:
New five-story building of assisted living and memory care units with related amenities in a single building. A total of 115 units is proposed. 1 level of structured parking below grade. (w/ 20-144708-MT)