A building permit is under review for 7124 N Mohawk Ave, designed by Wright Architecture
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers January 10th, 2022 to January 16th, 2022.
A project at 7124 N Mohawk Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Wright Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 4-story ,46-unit apartment building with partial basement and associated site work. w/ 22-102953-MT
A project at 5515 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by CIDA Inc:
PDOX PS – new 3-story, 23-unit apartment building with attached trash enclosure and associated site work.
A project at 6116 NE Willow St has been submitted for building permit review
Single pdf – new 3 story apartment building with 9 units.
A project at 7500 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review:
Single pdf – shell only – new single story building with 2 restrooms. Site work include landscaping and paving for food cart pods and sitting area. Detached trash enclosure (less than 120 sf).
The SE 27th and Division Apartments, designed by William Kaven Architecture, will include 52 residential units.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers January 3rd, 2022 to January 9th, 2022.
Early Assistance has been requested by Schmidt Architects for a project at 1415 N Pier 99 St:
Removing building from deck up, everything below deck is to remain. A new building on top of existing deck. Using design standards.
A project at 221 NE 122nd Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Hennebery Eddy Architects:
The applicant seeks Design Review approval for the renovation and addition to a vacant building. Formerly a grocery store, the 52,600sf building is located at the corner of NE 122nd Avenue and NE Davis Street. The proposal includes a 4700sf addition at level one and a 15,600sf addition on level two to accommodate a new County library distribution center. A large new entrance will be added at the northeast corner of the building, replacing the existing awning and colonnade at this location. Both the level one and level two additions are proposed to be topped with an extensive PV array. The existing surface parking area is proposed to remain, with required landscaping and stormwater improvements. The existing loading dock is proposed to remain, with an additional trash enclosure added to the southwest corner of the building. A required dedication along NE 122nd Avenue will result in a wider sidewalk. Modification requests [PZC 33.825.040]:1.The minimum setback required at a street lot line across a local street from a RM3 zone is 10¿ feet and the maximum building setback is also 10¿ feet. (33.130.215.B.1.a | Table 130-2);2.Allow exterior storage of library fleet vehicles behind fences within the existing surface parking area (33.130.245.C.1);3.Reduce the required 5-feet of L2 landscaping or 10-feet of L3 landscaping between the south loading dock and the south property line to zero, due to the existing required 8-foot tall CMU wall at this property line (33.266.310.E | Table 266-8); 4.Reduce the depth of the required L1 landscaping or hardscaping for pedestrian use between the NE Davis property line and the building from 55-feet to 0¿ in some areas, due to the existing loading area, driveway and 8-foot-tall CMU screen wall in this area (33.521.240);5.Increase the distance of the main entrance from the street lot line from the maximum allowed 15¿ to 35-feet 11-inches from the NE 122nd property line (33.521.250.C.2); and6.Increase the distance between the
Early Assistance has been requested for a project South of 9120 SE Powell Blvd:
The building to be constructed on the Project site (the “Building”) will be approximately two stories and 44,000 rentable square feet and will have approximately 275 accessory use parking spaces in a parking structure and surface parking. The proposed use is for oncology/cancer care, with other permitted accessory uses. The proposal includes a request to vacate a portion of SE 91st Ave.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2056 SE 122nd Ave:
The proposed program would be to provide 35-40 units of affordable housing with surface parking. Stormwater disposal methodology is to be determined.
The SE 27th & Division Apartments at 2680 SE Division St have been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS: new 5 story, 52 unit apartment building with inclusionary housing and vegetated flow-through stormwater planter. W 21-117310-mt
A building permit was issued for the Troy Laundry North at 1010 SE Ash St:
TROY LAUNDRY NORTH – New 6-story, 104 unit mixed-use building with ground floor retail and amenity, outdoor roof amenity, and residential/extended stay units above *** w/ 20-197604-MT *** BELOW GRADE PARKING LEVEL REMOVED FROM SCOPE OF WORK 8/6/21 ***
A building permit was issued to Carleton Hart Architecture for the Joyce Hotel at 322 SW 11th Ave:
Joyce Hotel Building – Renovation and adaptive re-use of the existing 4-story (plus basement), un-reinforced masonry structure. Project is an affordable, SRO development consisting of 66 units total. Shared bathrooms. (with 21-045693-MT)
A building permit was issued to Scott Edwards Architecture for the Isaka Shamsud-Din Apartments at 1420 NE Killingsworth St (previously 5421 NE 14th Pl):
New four story, 29 unit affordable housing multi-family residential complex located on NE 14th Place at NE Killingsworth. No parking to be provided. Community room and shared outdoor space to be provided. Proposed site development includes new utilities, accessible courtyard, landscaped areas and street trees. (with 21-036139-MT)
A building permit was issued to Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 5754-5778 NE 72nd Ave:
West Building / New three story, 6 unit multi-family building consisting entirely of affordable housing composed of two building. Surface parking to be provided. Community room and shared outdoor space to be provided. Proposed site development includes new utilities, landscaped areas and parking. (w/ 21- 037910-MT and 21-036216-CO & 21-036221-MT).
East Building / New three story, 6 unit multi-family building consisting entirely of affordable housing composed of two building. Surface parking to be provided. Community room and shared outdoor space to be provided. Proposed site development includes new utilities, landscaped areas and parking. (w/ 21- 036221-MT)
The 148th Ave Apartments, designed by Doug Circosta Architect for Green Light Development and Home First Development, will include 96 affordable units with a goal to serve Portland’s Zomi Community, a predominantly Christian ethnic minority group from Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India, that have fled religious persecution. Illustration by Nicolai Kruger Studio for Green Light Development.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers December 27th, 2021 to January 2nd, 2022.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Bora Architects & Interiors to discuss a new Holgate Library at 7905 SE Holgate Blvd:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss the construction of a new 2-story 21,000 square foot library with associated parking lot. The existing library building and parking will be demolished.
A project at 3836 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Bama Architecture & Design:
A new 38,257 sqft mixed-use building in the Williams/Soul district at the southeast corner of N Failing and N Vancouver. The 6 story, 65-foot tall structure will house 42 residential units and 3 ground floor commercial tenant spaces along N Vancouver. The ground floor garage will provide automated parking for 17 vehicles plus an accessible stall for a total of 18 spaces. Long-term parking for 71 bicycles and short-term parking for 4 bicycles is proposed. Additional features include canopies to shelter pedestrians, 6 new street trees, an eco roof, and outdoor space for each unit.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Master Development to discuss a project at 701 NE 7th Ave:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss a new multi-dwelling residential building with approximately 200 dwelling units. The proposed 10-story building will be approximately 168 feet in height with 180,000 square feet of floor area. The project includes 238 spaces of below grade parking and on-site loading, both will be accessed from NE Irving St.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hugh Development for a project at 1297 SW Cardinell Dr:
19-unit multifamily condominium development with associated parking. Stormwater disposal methods not yet determined. Previous development approved by LU 17-102096 EN M.
Early Assistance has been requested by Bora Architects & Interiors for renovation and expansion to the Midland Library at 805 SE 122nd Avenue:
Renovation of the existing 24,000 SF, single story building with partial basement and potential seismic upgrade, as well as a 6,000 square foot addition.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architect for a project at 7630 N Gloucester Ave:
New development of 58-units affordable housing apartments.
The 148th Ave Apartments at 250-266 SE 148th Ave have been submitted for building permit review by Doug Circosta Architect:
148TH AVE APTS – BLDG A – New 3-story, 20 unit apartment building with on-site parking and amenities; includes associated site work *** w/21-115075/80/81/90/93-CO *** MECHANICAL PERMIT TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY ***
148TH AVE APTS- BLDG B – New 3-story, 17 unit apartment building with on-site parking and amenities; includes associated site work *** w/21-115075/80/81/90/93-CO *** MECHANICAL PERMIT TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY ***
148TH AVE APTS – BLDG C – New 3-story, 24 unit apartment building with on-site parking and amenities; includes associated site work *** w/21-115075/80/81/90/93-CO *** MECHANICAL PERMIT TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY ***
148TH AVE APTS – BLDG D – New 3-story, 23 unit apartment building with on-site parking and amenities; includes associated site work *** w/21-115075/80/81/90/93-CO *** MECHANICAL PERMIT TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY ***
148TH AVE APTS – BLDG E – New 3-story, 12 unit apartment building with on-site parking and amenities; includes associated site work **** w/21-115075/80/81/90/93-CO *** MECHANICAL PERMIT TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY ***
Lincoln Court would include eight residential units plus commercial space, arranged around a central courtyard.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers December 20th, 2021 to December 26th, 2021.
Design Advice has been requested by DAO Architecture for Lincoln Court at 1121 SE Lincoln St:
DZ HEARING – Development of Lincoln Court, which is comprised of (8) residential units, one commercial space, and common and support areas surrounding a central courtyard. The residential units are a mix of townhouses and flats within structures varying in height from two to four stories, with approximately 4 – 6 covered, but not enclosed parking spaces. Primarily wood-framed structures, R-2 Occupancy, Type V-A, NFPA 13 sprinklered. Stormwater assumed to be primarily addressed with drywells. See more extensive project description enclosed with application documents.
A project at 4623 SE Division St has been submitted for a Pre-Permit Plan Check by All Hands Architecture:
Two new construction buildings with ground floor retail, market-rate multifamily and affordable cohousing units. Stormwater via drywell on site.
Early Assistance has been requested by Bora Architects for a project at 7705 SE Division St:
Approximately 100 apartment units are proposed, all affordable units (Low Income Housing Tax Credit ¿ LIHTC). Four stories, 45′ height maximum, surface parking of 30 or more spaces. Stormwater will be dealt with onsite per code.
The Powellhurst Apartments at 5415 SE 122nd Ave have been submitted for building permit review by DAO Architecture:
POWELLHURST APTS – new 4-story, 65 unit, 54643 GSF affordable housing project with 1&2 bdrm apts and amenities. *Review w. 21-113731-MT MT* The STR system includes concrete foundation and slab on grade with wood frame walls, pre-engineered floor joists & trusses. the low-slope build-up roof will have perimeter parapet walls, rooftop ventilation units, heat pumps and a photo-voltaic panel array. Exterior siding will be fiber-cement shingle panels w. STR and veneer brick. There will be 10 tuck-under parking spaces, indoor bicycle parking, outdoor courtyard, play area, seating, landscaping and lighting at ground level.
A building permit was issued for the Shift Apartments (previously Society Overlook) at 5680 N Montana Ave:
PDOX PS – construct new 5 story wood framed apartment bldg with 73 units with all of the associated site work w/20-196214-MT
A building permit was issued for a project at 1111 SE Tenino St (previously 8134 SE 11th Ave):
New 3-story, 19-unit apartment building with associated site work.
A building permit is under review for the University of Portland Shirley-Marcos Center for Design & Innovation, designed by Opsis Architecture.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers December 13th, 2021 to December 19th, 2021.
The OMSI Master Plan has been submitted for a Type III Central City Master Plan review by ZGF Architects:
Central City Master Plan for redevelopment of multiple properties into a pedestrian- and transit-oriented district along the Willamette River in the Central Eastside.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at the SW Corner of NW 17th Ave & NW Couch St:
Single 5-story building with approximately 19 units of market-rate, multi dwelling housing. The proposed building has approximately 17,000 gross square footage and is approximately 50 feet in height. Both exterior and interior bike parking will be provided. The existing pavement parking lot will be demolished and replaced with the building, open space amenities, landscaping and sidewalks.
The University of Portland Shiley-Marcos Center for Design & Innovation at 5000 N Willamette Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Opsis Architecture:
U of P SHILEY-MARCOS CNTR – Renovation and addition to the 1979 3-story Physical Plant, becoming the 43,796-sf, 4-story Shirley-Marcos Center for Design & Innovation. L1 includes Combustion and Propulsion Lab w. Test Cells plus Adaptable project space and Industry Partner project space. L2 includes Fabrication Instruction, Shops (metal/plastics, wood, welding, electronics), Capstone project space, staff and partner offices. L3 includes entry from new plaza w. an Ideation space, classroom, Rapid-Prototyping, and Digital Lab. L4 will be added to the building, including a flexible Design/Drawing Studio, Art Studio, Meeting Space and shared Kitchenette. **Review w. 21-113883-MT
The 31st & Hawthorne Apartments at 3085 SE Hawthorne Blvd have been submitted for building permit review by Urban Development Group:
31ST & HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS- New 62 unit apartment building consisting of five floors. **Review w. 21-105880-MT
A project at 5010 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Koble Creative Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 4-story 26-unit apartment building with some ground level commercial spaces and rooftop decks. Includes associated site work.
A project at 6606 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3 story above grade 18 dwelling unit apartment with bike storage and trashroom with associated siteworks. Mechanical separate
A project at 1971 NW 26th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 4-story 16 unit apartment building with associated site work
A building permit has been issued for the renovation of Benson High School at 546 NE 12th Ave:
BENSON – Renovation and seismic improvements to historic buildings. New construction of infill building including commercial kitchen, library, CTE and Autoshop. New generator. **w/21-027800 -MT, 21-029972/78-CO**
A building permit was issued to Access Architecture for Alberta Alive – Grand Ave at 510 NE Alberta St:
ALBERTA ALIVE – GRAND AVE – New five-story, 21 unit apartment building with ground floor common areas, indoor bike storage room, and central laundry; includes site work *** w/ 21-045684-MT ***
A building permit was issued to Access Architecture for Alberta Alive – 8th Ave at 780 NE Alberta St:
ALBERTA ALIVE – 8th AVE – New five-story, 31 unit apartment building with ground floor common areas, indoor bike storage room, and central laundry; includes site work *** w/ 21-049762-MT ***
A building permit was issued for a project at 3755 SW Hood Ave:
Construct new 4-story, 18-unit apartment building. No garages or parking spaces proposed for site.
The Rosewood Family Health Center at SE 88th and Powell, designed by Neenan Archistruction, is being built for the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers December 6th, 2021 to December 12th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by CIDA Inc for a project at 7600 N Willamette Blvd:
New construction of 3 story 30 unit apartment building. Drywell included in design.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scotia Western States Housing for a project at 1010 SW Gibbs St:
Mixed use project with 32 multifamily units and approximately 10,000 sf of retail space above one level of parking garage.
Early Assistance has been requested by CIDA Inc for a project at 8026 SW 31st Ave:
Development of a new 4-story building (plus daylight basement/structured parking garage) for affordable housing. 25 residential units are proposed and the proposal includes a community area, covered garden, and a gas fire pit (or an exterior fireplace). Flow through planters will serve as storm retention and landscaping features.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for Meridian Gardens at 11250 SE Division St:
Meridian Gardens will be an 85-unit, new construction, supportive recovery building with a mix of single room occupancy and studio units.
A project at 1520 NE 40th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
PS PDOX – construct a fully sprinklered, 19 unit, 3 story multi family structures of studios and 1 bedroom units. Stormwater to be mitigated in a drywell within the front setback.
A building permit was issued for the Rosewood Family Health Center at 3530 SE 88th Ave:
ROSEWOOD FAMILY HEALTH CENTER – New two story medical clinic with first floor consisting of medical clinic, pharmacy, and administrative space, 2nd floor consisting of a dental and WIC services, with administrative space. *** w/20-168452-CO and 20-161289-MT ***
Innovative Housing are converting the Mann House in Kerns into affordable housing, with 39 units created in the existing building, 50 units in a new addition to the building and 40 units in a new building to the south. The project design is by Emerick Architecture.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers November 29th, 2021 to December 5th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ink:Built Architecture for a project at 5717 NE Skidmore St:
Three new 3-story multifamily apartment buildings, each less than 20 units. Four existing apartment buildings on site to remain. On site drywells to address stormwater management.
A project at 6080 SE 84th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3-story, 12-unit apartment building and associated site work.
Building permits were issued for the additions to and the adaptive reuse of the Mann House at 1021 NE 33rd Ave:
MANN HOUSE – EXISTING BLDG – Convert existing historic building into multi-family apartments with 39 affordable units; add new floor and convert two-story auditorium to apartments; includes associated site work and parking area *** w/21-015284-CO/21-015286-CO/21-015288-CO/21-015967-MT/21-015971-MT/21-015973-MT ***
MANN HOUSE – SOUTH BLDG – New 4-story multi-family apartment building with 40 affordable units; includes associated site work and tuck-under parking *** w/21-015284-CO/21-015286-CO/21-015288-CO/21-015967-MT/21-015971-MT/21-015973-MT ***
MANN HOUSE – EAST BLDG – New 3-story multi-family apartment building with 50 affordable units; includes associated site work and parking area *** w/21-015284-CO/21-015286-CO/21-015288-CO/21-015967-MT/21-015971-MT/21-015973-MT ***
A 290-unit affordable housing development in Kenton is currently going through the Design Review process. The eleven story mass timber building, designed by Wright Architecture, will have its first land use review hearing in front of the Design Commission on Thursday, March 17th.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers November 22nd, 2021 to November 28th, 2021.
The Argyle Apartments at 1838 N Argyle St have been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Wright Architecture:
DZ HEARING – Type III Design Review for construction of approximately 290 residential units in an eleven-story building in the Kenton Plan District. The project site includes two parcels totaling 25,000 SF adjacent to the Kenton / North Denver Avenue MAX light rail station. The project includes main entrances along both street frontages, outdoor areas at the ground level and the rooftop, individual balconies, and common spaces through the building. A composite rain screen cladding is proposed above a concrete base with metal storefront systems at the ground level. Because the proposal is for new development in the Design Overlay Zone, Design Review is required.
Early Assistance has been requested by Todd Lasher Architect for a project at 807 NE Alberta St:
This project includes two new buildings, site improvements and a new stormwater facility. The east building is proposed as a four floor apartment. The north building is to be a one level retail space with a retail basement. site improvements include bike parking, landscaping new trash enclosure, drywells for stormwater and ramps for ADA access. No change to existing building. 2 to 3 large trees will be removed.
A building permit was issued to Holst Architecture for 3000 Powell:
3000 POWELL – 125,890 gsf new multi-family residential project consisting of 206 units of affordable housing and community space, outdoor amenity and play area, 26 surface parking stalls (including 2 ADA stalls) and 2 type B loading spaces ***review 21-025156-MT
The Glisan Tower in Hazelwood would include 105 units of affordable housing with a ground floor food hall / restaurant incubator space.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers November 15th, 2021 to November 21st, 2021.
Note: this post initial omitted the Kōz on Killingsworth 2.
Design Advice has been requested by Access Architecture for the Glisan Tower at 9919 NE Glisan St:
DZ HEARING – Eight-story, mass timber, affordable housing development with ground floor commercial space. Stormwater is anticipated to managed through an onsite drywell.
A building permit was issued for the Kōz on N Killingsworth 2 at 5460 N Interstate Ave:
New 6 story, 154 unit apartment building with ground floor retail and associated site work. W/20-146522-MT
The first phase of the RiverPlace Redevelopment would be built on the site of the former RiverPlace Athletic Club, which has been vacant since 2015. A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a proposed 325′ tall building as part of the first phase of the RiverPlace Central City Master Plan. The Design Commission will likely hold a vote this afternoon on whether to approve the Master Plan for this site.
Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers November 8th, 2021 to November 14th, 2021.
Design Advice has been requested by Holst Architecture for the Hollywood HUB at 4110 NE Halsey St:
DZ HEARING – Proposal to construct approximately 200 units of affordable housing in a transit-oriented development. Proposed Type I building is 13-stories, approximately 211,000gsf, and no greater than 120 ft in height. Approximately 40 spaces of on-site parking is proposed, along with a TriMet bike hub and bike parking for residents. Stormwater will be managed according to the BES Stormwater Manual.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss the RiverPlace Redevelopment Phase 1 at 150 S Montgomery St:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss construction of multi-dwelling high-rise development on the former Riverplace Athletic Club site. This development would be Phase 1 of the Central City Master Plan for the entire Riverplace site currently under review. (LU 21-053731). The proposed building will be 325¿ in height and have a floor area of 410,000 with 2,500-3,000 square feet in commercial space. The building will have 90 to 100 parking spaces and the parking is accessed from the east.