Site Plan for 1510 NE Multnomah St (Phase II) as presented to the City for the Pre-Application Conference in October 2016
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by Holst Architects for 1510 NE Multnomah St (Phase II):
Proposal is to develop the existing parking east of Sears and the site currently occupied by Lloyd cinemas into a mixed use community.
The project has also been submitted for Type III Design Review:
Project is for new development on site currently occupied by Lloyd cinemas and the existing parking lot east of Sears into a mixed use community. It will include three “5-over-1” buildings that together contain 520 apartment units. Buildings 1 & 2 share underground parking facility for resident use only.
Early Assistance has been requested by SERA Architects for a project at 2517 SE 82nd Ave:
New affordable housing projet (LIHTC awarded through 2016 OHCS): 4-story transit-oriented mixed-use multi-family residential w/48 low-income units, ground floor commercial, & 18 parking stalls.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the N Williams Center at 2156 N Williams Ave:
Proposal is to demolish 2 existing one story commercial buildings. Build new affordable apartment project, 55′ tall, 5 story, 66 units, 78,000 sf, plus 2 story, 4 units, 5,000 sf with basement bike parking; total 70 units, 83,000 sf, 32 spaces. Exist community service use to remain, thus inst. Dev. Stds, CU.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects for a project at 2135 NW 29th Ave:
Project will allow development to proceed with residential development prior to change in zoning from EG to R1 and EX. Project also includes a street vacation.
A project at 919 N Cook St has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment review by Works Progress Architecture:
Request is for an adjustment to loading standard for (1) standard a space to (1) standard b space. New core and shell, development of 4-story wood frame construction over a 2-story concrete podium/daylight baement level for workspace. Proposed wholesale or industrial service use on upper levels and proposed retail or office and parking on lower levels. Two stairs and one elevator accesses each floor. Project to be costructed on vacant lot.
A project at 2034 NW 27th Ave has been submitted for a Type III Zoning Map Amendment:
Properties in question are located at 2638 nw wilson st and 2034 nw 27th ave. There are two warehouses on the property both of which will remaiin.The property has been included in the city’s mixed employment zoning project. Applicant wishes to pursue a zone change in compliance with the comp plan that will result in the same zoning designation for the property that the city has already proposed in the ME project.
A project at 3403 N Mississippi Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Holst Architecture:
New 6 story, 214 apartment building with 126 basement & 17 ground level parking stalls and 2400 GSF retail space
A project at 6917 N Charleston Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Crescent Custom Homes:
Construct new 3 story (4) unit apartment building with associated site work. 4.5 ft retaining wall
A project at 3325 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review by Hacker Architects:
Construct new 4 story, 30 unit apartment building, trash area at main floor of building, includes associated site work
A project at 10734 NE Wygant St has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story apartment building; three bedroom flats and townhouse style on top and associated site work as well as 87 sf trash enclosure
A project at 2502 SE 29th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by William Wilson Architects:
New 4-story, 50 unit, apartment building with basement garage and ground floor retail. Stormwater is proposed to be disposed of through stormwater planters at the south property line. Ground floor retail/coffee shop space is shell and restroom only, future tenant improvements under separate permit at a later date.
A project at 4806 SE 16th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of four level(three story plus basement) self-storage facility. Scope includes site improvements, parking and landscaping. S1 and B accessory use.
A project at 8045 SE 82nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story storage facility with 711 storage units, interior trash enclosure on main floor, includes associated site work
A building permit was issued to Studio 3 Architecture for the Cathedral Flats at 7228 N Burlington Ave:
Construct new 2 story (24 unit) apartment building with associated site work
This post originally identified the architects of 2502 SE 29th Ave as Otak. The post has been corrected to indicate that the architects for the project are William Wilson Architects.