Design Advice has been offered to Holst Architecture for the second phase of the redevelopment of the Lloyd Cinemas site. The development will contain 520 apartment units and approximately 26,047 sq ft of retail space. 349 vehicular parking spaces are proposed. The project is being developed by a consortium of developers, collectively called Portland Lloyd Center Community, LLC.
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Metro Reports: Providence Park Expansion, 3670 SE 29th, 533 NE Killingsworth, and more

Design Advice has been requested for an expansion to Providence Park (image: Google Maps)
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested for the Providence Park Expansion:
Expansion to the stadium on the east side. The design engages the SW 18th avenue sidewalk with a covered arcade, four new levels, new roof.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2242 SE 158th Ave:
New 3-story apartment building (somewhere between 32-36 units total).
Early Assistance has been requested by Michael Etzel Design for a project at 1515 N Rosa Parks Way:
Proposal for a three story mixed use structure with 14 residential units arranged around a courtyard. Wood construction on strip footings. One ground floor retail unit.
A project at 808 SE Alder St has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
Exterior alerations (to accommodate a change of use from storage to a wet lab w/associated office space) including the following: new main storefront entrance at existing loading dock on SE Alder St; new 2-story storefront glazing west of SE Alder entrance; replace all windows; new building exit on SE 8th Ave; new operable storefront glazing at break room on SE 8th Ave; new canopies at SE Alder entrance and SE 8th operable storefront; new louvers for generator ventiliation on SE Alder; new rooftop mechanical equipment and screening; new 90%-coverage eco-roof for stormwater management; new exterior paint scheme; and new right of way improvement, including new sidewalks, street trees, and bicycle racks
Building permits were issued to Siteworks Design | Build for three buildings at 3660-3670 SE 29th Ave
New construction- 4/story multifamily apartment building (building 1 of 3), 17 units, new access drive, 51 parking spaces, pedestrian site circulation, landscape areas and storwater facilites
New construction- 4/story multifamily apartment building (building 2 of 3), 36 units
New construction- 4/story multifamily apartment building (building 3 of 3), 22 units
A building permit was issued to Design Department Architecture for a project at 533 NE Killingsworth St:
Construction of new single commercial building for use as restaurant to include dining area, kitchen, storage, (2) bathrooms, offices, and walk in cooler; outdoor patio; onsite stormwater and landscaping as required
Design Commission approves 1440 SW Taylor St (images)
The Design Commission has approved a 7 story mixed use building at 1440 SW Taylor St. The 76′ tall building by Leeb Architects for Shelter Holdings will include 107 units, including five ground level work-live units. 1,228 sq ft of ground-level retail space will be located at the northwest corner of the building. Parking for 21 vehicles and 163 bicycles will be provided.
Weekly Roundup: Carbon12, Framework, 38 Davis, and more

Path Architecture’s Carbon12 has now reached its full height, making it the tallest timber building in the USA
The Oregonian reported that new apartment construction has finally slowed rent growth — at least, at the high end.
While a proposed timber high rise in Manhattan has been cancelled, the DJC wrote about two tall Cross Laminated Timber buildings in Portland* that are moving ahead quickly: Carbon12 on N Williams; and Framework in the Pearl.
The Business Tribune had a look at moovel North America’s new headquarters at the Overland Warehouse in Old Town / Chinatown. Similarly, Portland Architecture toured Ankrom Moisan’s new home a few blocks away at 38 Davis.
Delays in getting new height limits approved as part of the Central City 2035 Plan are having knock on delays to Old Town Chinatown Block 33, reported the Business Tribune.
The Portland Business Journal took a first look at what’s in store for the creative office space at the Meier & Frank Building, soon to be vacated by Macy’s.
Breakside Brewery unveiled its “Humongous, Hop-Focused Slabtown Brewery” at the Slabtown Marketplace, reported Portland Monthly.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Design Commission approves Mixed Income Housing at SW Park & Columbia (images)
The Design Commission has approved a mixed income residential development at SW Park and Columbia. The 7 story building by GBD Architects for developer BPM Real Estate Group will include 73 residential units. One third of the units will be designated as affordable to those earning 80% of area Median Family Income (MFI) or less. Parking for 11 cars and 111 bicycles (including 2 oversize bicycles) will be provided.
Design Commission approves hotel at SW 11th & Alder (images)
A proposed hotel at SW 11th & Alder by SERA Architects for developer Mortenson has been approved by the Design Commission. The 150′ tall building would include 215 hotel rooms, with a lobby, bar / restaurant and lounge at the ground level. Meeting rooms would be located at the second floor. A fitness room and long term parking for 14 bicycles would be provided at the third floor. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Metro Reports: Lloyd Center, NW 14th & Raleigh, 9316 SE Woodstock, and more

A building permit is under review for the affordable housing development at NW 14th & Raleigh
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by LDA Design Group for a remodel at the Lloyd East Anchor:
Conference to discuss renovation and expansion of an existing four story building. The building is currently occupied by Sears. The first and second floors will be multi-tenant uses. The fourth floor will be demolished and the third floor expanded from 37,000 square feet to 75,000 square feet.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Köz Development to discuss a project at 4708 NE Sandy Blvd:
New 6 story,114 unit studio apartment building with ground floor retail. 9 parking spaces proposed. Existing building to be Demoed.
A project at 527 SE Spokane St has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
Design review for a new 4-plex (four housing units) that is unable to meet Community Design Standards. Adjustments requested to parking and setbacks. Unable to provide 4 parking spaces; seeking to provide 2 (see CO 16-287526)
NW 14th & Raleigh has been submitted for building permit review by LRS Architects:
12 story, multi-family affordable housing, 93 units, parking for 15 cars
A project at 9316 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct 2-story mixed use 3 unit apartment building, ground floor to include storage, 1-residential unit, 2 bathrooms, gaming and dining area, and service bar; second floor to include 2-residential units, roof top bar. Covered trash enclosure under permit 17-130103.***sprinklers under separate permit.***
A project at 4806 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New Construction Of 10500sf, 6unit Apartment Building With New 45sf Trash Enclosure.
A project at 1331 NW 17th Ave has been submitted for a structural permit review by GBD Architects:
STR – to include structural, shoring, and ground improvements and MEP underground
Building permits for five buildings at 34-58 SE 146th Ave (previously 26 SE 146th Ave) were issued to Doug Circosta Architect:
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building; with associated site work; building 1 of 5 (bldg 100)
Construct new 3 story (24) unit apartment building; building 2 of 5
Construct new 3 story (7) unit apartment building; building 3 of 5 (bld 300)
Construct new 3 story (18) unit apartment building; building 4 of 5 (bld 400)
Construct new 2 story (1) unit apartment building with laundry on main floor; building 5 of 5. (bld 500)
A building permit was issued to Scott Edwards Architecture for the clinic at the Garlington Center:
Construct new 2 story building for new clinic with associated site work.
A building permit was issued for a project at 2211 NW York St:
New 113,479 gsf, six story self storage facility, demo permit to be applied separately
Design Commission approves Modera Buckman (images)
The Design Commission has approved the Modera Buckman, a 7-story mixed use development in the Central Eastside. The building, by Leeb Architects for developer Mill Creek Residential Trust, will include 170 residential units and 6,621sf of ground floor retail space. Parking for 74 vehicles is proposed in a below grade parking garage. Long term parking for 255 bicycles is proposed, with 98 spaces in a secure bike room and the remaining spaces provided in the units.
Weekly Roundup: Pearl East, 1725 SE Tenino, 5035 NE Sandy and more

The Pearl East Building at NW 13th & Glisan, by Mackenzie
The Pearl East Building at NW 13th & Glisan is currently being reviewed by the Portland Historic Landmarks Commission. According to the DJC the Commission appeared inclined to support the project*, but granted a request by a neighbor to extend the public comment period.
‘Portland For Everyone’ wrote about two buildings in Sellwood-Moreland, at 1707-1725 SE Tenino St and 5965-6003 SE Milwaukie Ave that could be the first buildings to include affordable housing through the Portland’s new Inclusionary Zoning ordinance. Though vested under the old code, the developer is exploring the option of removing the previously required parking spaces and adding affordable units.
The Hollywood Star News wrote about the new development at 5035 NE Sandy Blvd, on the site formerly home to der Rheinlander. The 32,000 sq ft building will include 24,000 square feet leased by Portland Clinic and 6,000 to 8,000 sq ft of ground-floor retail space.
The Willamette Week wrote about how “early signs point to trouble for a record-setting Portland Public Schools bond“. If passed, the $790 bond would include funding to renovate Benson High School and Madison High School, and to raze and rebuild Lincoln High School and Kellogg Middle School.
Oregon Business published images of Portland’s “latest Insta-worthy hotel“, the AC by Marriott.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Design Commission approves 1825 NW 23rd Ave (images)
The Design Commission has approved a five-story, mixed-use building on NW 23rd Avenue by Works Progress Architecture. The building will include include 64 residential units over ground floor retail. Parking for 21 vehicles will be provided. 73 long term and 6 short term bicycle parking spaces will be provided.